Attacked by dog


Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
He needs to see a vet ASAP! here is a link to try to find one, click on find a vet on the top right. if there is nothing in your area, type in the zip code of the closest large city. i have to drive 2 hours 1 way to get to the vet, but it is worth it.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Wow, poor dragon, I am so sorry that happened.
He needs immediate ER/VET care as soon as possible. I am sure he is likely in a lot of pain, since
he has a black beard. What type of dog bit him? Did he bite him directly on his head or on some other
part of his body?

Please let us know how he is doing. Do your best to keep him comfortable tonight, stress free, etc.
I hope that he is going to be ok.


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She finally woke up, it‘s almost noon!!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on xp29's profile.
Hey, I just saw one of your posts from a few months ago, I’m sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea and Zen, I know that’s really rough, and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Lyrebird.Rainwing's profile.
Heyy….if you like WoF… is there a chance you like the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Plutonium's profile.
‘Ello mate!
Larry didn’t want to move from my hand this particularly chilly morning 🤣

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