Mbd isn't going to develop over night, its more chronic. Beardies are hardy lil guys and can tolerate some mistakes from us. It's best to learn proper husbandry asap, but a few days or weeks even of having things slightly off isn't going to cause irreparable harm. There are so many stories around of beardies being tragically neglected and pictures of how bad off and sick they become that it scares people into a frenzy, especially people new to the hobby. But most of those beardies never had anything they needed to thrive. Your trying very hard to get your setup right, and you will. Karrieree can help you with the lights.
I do have advice on the Coccidia, I've fought it myself. Try to read up and understand it, it's an incredibly resilient parasite. There isn't much that will kill it. High heat 200ish degrees or Ammonia. Both have to be in contact with it for around 10 minutes to kill it. You can use a steam wand to sanitize your habitat but it's slow go. If you use Ammonia remember it is toxic after the clean up be sure to rinse thoroughly and air out to zero fumes. Sanitize or replace all decor, soaking in boiling water or baking in the oven at 200 degrees for ten minutes or so will kill the parasites. After you have everything cleaned up you can use f10, wipeout (Ammonia based so back to airing out) or chlorhexidine (what i use, you can get a gallon at tractor suppy in the horse section for 20 bucks) to spot clean up poop.
Coccidia's life cycle requires it to be pooped out and reingested to multiply. If your break it's life cycle you cure it. Beardies lick everything so if they poop and drag their tail in it or walk through it, they spread it around and end up reingesting it. All the sanitizers i listed are vet and zoo grade.
Beardies can carry a small load naturally and their bodies can handle the work of keeping it under control, it's when they start picking up extra from their environment is when it becomes an issue. Thats why i say break the life cycle and you cure it. Sorry for the long post and if your still reading I'm impressed lol.