Arcadia 14%?

Esther19 Addict
I've been away from this site for a few years, as I was in another state caring for my mother. I am now home, and have purchased a baby dragon at at nearby mom + pop store that gets their dragons from a local breeder. According to the owners, things two have changed since I've been gone: UVB lighting and appropriate substrate. I have searched the stickies regarding these topics and have not found answers to my specific questions.

They recommended an Arcadia 14% bulb, which I was unaware existed. They said it would be good for putting the fixture on top of the screen. I have a 40 gallon (36x18x18) Exo Terra Natural Terrarium with a locking top and doors that open in the front. With luck, pictures of the bulb and the screen are attached. My questions are: Will the 14% be adequate UVB through the screen? Could it be too strong? If so, can I adjust the basking height to account for the stronger UVB?

Secondly, they suggested as a substrate their own blend of ingredients which looked like black dirt in a ziploc bag. I was so taken aback by the suggestion of a particulate substrate that I didn't even bother to look at the ingredient list.
As I was reading, (and I don't remember which site,) someone said that a 50/50 mixture of topsoil and sand was permissible substrate for dragons. I formerly used grouted tile in all my enclosures. The owner of the store reminded me that dragons like to dig, so I should consider their expensive substrate blend, because it wouldn't interfere with digestion if ingested by the dragon. I understand the digging part, but it goes against everything I thought I knew about substrates. Is some particulate mix now approved for beardie enclosures? Would you recommend the entire floor be covered, or just put in a dig box? If a dig box, should it be put on the warm or cool side?

If you're still here, thank you for your patience! I appreciate your time and your advice!
P.S. My baby dragon is too young to determine gender. Any suggestions for non-gender specific names?
Thanks again,


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
The 14% is a very strong bulb. Most of us use the 12%. I would put the bulb on top of the screen. Just give your baby several choices in height and it will go to the amount of uvb it needs. Try to have some overlap with the basking bulb also.
I would be cautious using substrate without knowing whats in it. Most top soils have either cow or chicken manure or both. If I do loose substrate I mix play sand and reptisoil at a 50/50 mix. Some add excavator clay to the mix as well. The biggest issue is the dust, it's awful. It could be rough on their respiratory system if not kept misted.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I would be cautious using substrate without knowing whats in it. Most top soils have either cow or chicken manure or both. If I do loose substrate I mix play sand and reptisoil at a 50/50 mix. Some add excavator clay to the mix as well. The biggest issue is the dust, it's awful. It could be rough on their respiratory system if not kept misted.
I agree on this, as I'm also using substrate: It should not be dusty or like in an hourglass.

Regarding misting: From my experience, it needs to be misted often in the beginning, but then it hardens and stays that even when dry. I mist it each morning lightly if it's possible, but if not (e.g.: not at home, or person taking over don't want to do it), it is not causing a problem.
Yesterday I added some new sand (as when removing poo, every time a bit of sand is lost) and I misted it immediately. I pay more attention with misting to that spot with new sand, but after a while it will have hardened.
Thus: no awful dust. When I take my dragon out, he's clean. No dust on the glass unless the one I produce when refilling sand.

Gendern-neutral names:
I knew the gender of my dragon when I got him. However, the name I'd chosen is gender-neutral: Taco. I decided for it as I find it funny regarding "round, flat, light brown" and here in Chile I didn't want a "Pancake" :D
So my suggestion: Some name that's just not used for humans but is an object, food, something from nature (plant or animal species, planet, star...), or describes a behavior.
Examples: Sunshine, Antares, Jupiter, Cactus, Bugeater, Quick...
Otherwise, you could pick a human name that's considered gender-neutral in your language/culture. In my own, there are few and are mostly nicknames (like: Alex, Nico, Jo), but I was surprised how many names in the US are used for both male and female people, including such that are also a profession. Why not e.g. Hunter, Decker?
So basically, a lot of things would work as a name :)

Esther19 Addict
Original Poster
Thank you so much for your advice! And the name suggestions! :)
Sunshine might be good. Sunny or Sonny for short.

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