Anyone remember me? (: Updates on everyone!

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Extreme Poster
Hey all! Long time no see, right? Between college and work and everything else I've gotten lazier than I expected, so I don't post too much anymore. I think I owe everyone a bit of an update though, and since my thread was locked I'll just do it here.

My laziness has also caused all the viv re-doing project I started in the fall to remain half-finished, so nothing looks quite like I intended it too.... So bare with me here. Animals don't seem to care though, haha. You all are going to get crappy iPad pictures too, since I'm also too lazy to get my real camera.

Dudley is doing good, he woke up from brumation about a month ago. I stared to re-decorate his viv, but I haven't gotten around to finishing his new fake rock ledges, so I put in the new flooring (A while ago a coated a piece of lino with silicone, and sprinkled and and rocks over it for traction, for anyone who remembers) and stacked a bunch of big logs and cork bark and rocks and stuff for his basking spot. I was going to use cork panels I bought from Michaels for the background, but they smelled funny and I was going to seal them first... Which, of course, I haven't done yet. :roll: Dud loves it though, and he is WAY more active now compared to his old setup, even if this one isnt as pretty.



Dud's 3 year "Gotcha Day" is the end of this May, so he is at least 5 years old now, but I'm thinking he is closer to 6 or 7. Who knows, he still seems happy any healthy. I'll probably regret this, but here's Dud and a creepy picture of mommy LOL. :)

He is still besties with Smudge. These two are funny to watch run around together.

Smudge turns 10 years old in September! Geesh.

Stanley and Stella are doing well. Stella is 1 1/2 now and Stanley is 16 I think. Stan still doesn't understand the concept of a hide.


Stella, looking adorbs as usual.

And Stan, in all his weird glory.

And I FINALLY moved Dexter into his natural viv yesterday. I was trying to finish his fake rock feeding ledge and get my fogger hooked up properly to this thing, but once again it just wasn't happening. Haha. So far he seems pleased with it though, and surprisingy I can actually find him.



Behold my awesome blue LED lights:

And then there is my aquarium... Frogs doing well, plants are looking sketchy though.

And then, last but not least, my puppy Chuey is doing well too. :)

Oh, and for anyone who remembers that I had hermit crabs, I ended up rehoming them to a family with a 220 gallon tank for them a couple months back.

So, how is everyone else doing around here? I still see a few familiar faces!


Sub-Adult Member
Hey Jess! Good to see you back and that your animals are doing well! How are you enjoying college? Revel in it because adult life is very strange and serious :lol:


Juvie Member
Hi Jess, good to 'see' you :D It all gets a bit much sometimes eh?
That's a good age for a rabbit, you've done well... and Dudley is as cute as ever!


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Hey Guys!
Haha, I'm not really a fan of school! I just want it to be summer already! I'm just doing my generals at the community college so it's not very exciting and I'm not getting the whole "college experience" at this point either.

beardie parents Sicko
Community colleges are o.k. They save money on tuition as where I live the Universities' tuition are at least 4 times the price of the local Community College. That's 2 years savings of 3 times the tuition rate.


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Yeah, that's the main reason I'm not going to a "real" college right now... So far, I've been able to pay for my first year's tuition without any loans, and once I transfer to the U of M I know that won't be possible any more!


Sub-Adult Member
Hey Jess, good to see you on the forums again :) So when am I going to get to snuggle Duds up next!?

Esther19 Addict
Good to see you back, Jess. You are very wise to avoid loans. They pile up quickly. My teaching partner went to a 4 year univ. for her Bachelor's and Master's in Special Ed and now owes over $200,000. She makes $30,000 a year. Horrendous!
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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