Anybody know what this is?

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Original Poster

I noticed this on my Bearded Dragon a couple day ago and thought it was dried poo. After a couple of soaks, and gently rubbing with a soft toothbrush I'm not so sure. I stopped messing with it because I don't want to hurt her or cause more problems.

It doesn't appear to be a prolapse, and she is female so its not a sperm plug.

She doesn't seem to be in any pain and she doesn't seem to have any other problems. She is eating and drinking fine, basking and pooping regularly.

My only thought is that I recently gave her a dig box with dirt because she loves to dig and now she spends a lot of time in it. The rest of her tank is shelf linner. Maybe this is causing problems?

Thank you!


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AHBD Sicko
Not sure but you can apply raw honey with a Q-tip. It will keep it moist and if it's any type of small wound, the honey has healing [ antimicrobial ] properties. Are you positive of the gender ?


Original Poster
Not sure but you can apply raw honey with a Q-tip. It will keep it moist and if it's any type of small wound, the honey has healing [ antimicrobial ] properties. Are you positive of the gender ?
Pretty certain, the vet confirmed it. But I guess there's always a chance they were wrong about it...

AHBD Sicko
Try arching the tail like in this article :


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Hm, that is very odd to me...
It kind of appears to be a sperm plug, though a little dark, but always a possibility. Vets do get the
sex incorrect sometimes. It can be challenging to determine the sex.
It definitely isn't any type of prolapse though, thankfully. If you can post a few more pictures too, of
your dragon overall that may help too.

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