Animal Comminication with Beardies


Sub-Adult Member
At the risk of sounding too new-age woo-woo mystical... has anyone ever tried to communicate with their beardies using mental visualization? I just finished reading Jon Katz's book Talking to Animals, and while I'm not sure exactly where I stand on a lot of what he writes, I am curious.

The point he makes is that animals communicate with us via mental images that we can both send and recieve... for example, this morning, Figment was glass surfing and I opened his door, but did not reach in to get him. Instead, I cleared my mind, pictured him outside the cage and walking around, then pictured him coming towards me INSIDE the cage to let me pick him up. He immediately took several steps toward me and allowed me to pick him up with no tail-flailing or leg-waving, which is not usual for him.

It's not anything scientific - even remotely - but it was an odd enough coincidence that I thought I'd ask on this forum about it. I've always been of the mind that "animal psychics" may indeed be psychic - but that they're lifting images and ideas from the human owner's mind, not from the animal's.

But I am definitely in the camp of "curious enough to give it a go." Anyone else out there given this a shot?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I haven't heard of that before, but doesn't hurt anything to try it. Since dragons are visual communicators I usually try to show something or gesture things to communicate to an extent.

kingofnobbys Sicko
You have to be one of those people who ACTUALLY believe in mental telepathy and psychic abilities …. I don't as there is ZERO real scientific evidence it's happens.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
My girlfriends beardie communicates when she wants out...... she poops and sets in it lol. (Saddly im be honest lol)


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I want to get one of those books.
I'm gonna give one of these books a chance.
There's so many books on the subject...

My dad used to talk about being an 'animal psychic'
He loved his dogs
He still has dogs.

He never beat them
Never hit his snick
Snick would follow him & my dad wouldn't even use a leash.

Talk about a true connection...
You really can connect with these animals on a deeper level.

There is evidence that minds are telekinetic & can talk.
Psychology backs it up.
There is SOME evidence of Extrasensory perception.

Although very little.
I want to get one of those books.
I'm gonna give one of these books a chance.
There's so many books on the subject...

My dad used to talk about being an 'animal psychic'
He loved his dogs
He still has dogs.

He never beat them
Never hit his snick
Snick would follow him & my dad wouldn't even use a leash.

Talk about a true connection...
You really can connect with these animals on a deeper level.

There is evidence that minds are telekinetic & can talk.
Psychology backs it up.
There is SOME evidence of Extrasensory perception.

Although very little.

It sounds very strange (mental visualization). For example, dogs understand us anyway. I don't believe in any of this stuff. Anyway, I've heard of animal testing, used for that. Here I am against it, categorically. I do not know why in many countries it is still considered the norm!
so good wow

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