Am I feeding correctly?

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Gray-bearded Member
Joshandmushu":1on1xkds said:
no I don't I just put 7 or a bit more in because I look at his belly and think how could he eat more than 10 of those crix a day where would he put them you know i don't want to overfeed him
heres a earlier pic of my boy
haha, don't worry about where he's gonna put them. their bellies expand A LOT :) and it's not really possible to overfeed a dragon that age. he'll know when he's full.

Joshandmushu":1on1xkds said:
oh guys your making me feel like a bad daddy I guess I was mislead because I worked at the same place I got him from for two weeks and was told to feed the beardies there about that much so I thought thats how much you feed them, although toyguy 50 or 60 are you joking thats loads.
you're not a bad daddy. you've just been misled. most pet stores really don't know what they are talking about. i've always gotten the feeling that pet stores only read up on adult dragons when they are learning how to feed them. 7 crickets a day is probably fine for an adult, but definitely not a baby. and my falkor is just like toyguy's dash. she will eat 50-60 a day or even more sometimes. she's growing like crazy too. check out her thread below and you can see the progress she's made in just the couple of months i've had her :)


Juvie Member
Joshandmushu":2172qqs2 said:
oh guys your making me feel like a bad daddy I guess I was mislead because I worked at the same place I got him from for two weeks and was told to feed the beardies there about that much so I thought thats how much you feed them, although toyguy 50 or 60 are you joking thats loads.

No, I'm not joking. If Dash hasn't wanted his salad that day, and sometimes he just doesn't, he can chow down 30 twice a day without even blinking. I cut him off at that because I don't believe in overfeeding and I want him to eat his salad and not get stuck just on live feeders.

So far he's been putting on around 15 grams or so a week, and I am comfortable with that.

And Aaron's right - you're doing the right and responsible thing by asking and learning. No need to feel bad at all. :)


Juvie Member
Ok any ideas on how to get my beardie to start eating his salad? He's 3 1/2 months old and doesn't want any salad except for a little butternut squash now and again. My wife says he is never going to eat his salad.. so she wants to stop wasting the money on all the veggies :p lol Please Help I'm raping my dubia colony lol


Gray-bearded Member
are you sure he's not eating his salad? falkor won't ever eat her salad when she thinks i'm watching. it was only after i hooked up the webcam that i discovered that she gets down and munches on it every day. it's hard to tell looking at the salad though since it doesn't really look like she ate any.


Juvie Member
yeah my wife is home all day and she checks on him periodically. Salad I make him is still untouched when i get home from work. My wife wil even end up making a new salad and throwing th eold one out cuz it dries up. I don't know his vet said when he gets older he will take to salad on his own.. and that he will actually prefer the salad over live prey as he ages.


Juvie Member
Just a tip (that I learnt on here) for keeping salad fresher longer, as I noticed you wrote that it dries up. Keep the salad on a layer of water in the food dish. It really works well and the salad stays moist longer in the viv. Obviously it still needs replacing as per usual, but it saves that upappetising shrivelled up look happening :)


have you try offering different types of fruits and veggies? not all dragon like the same thing. most i have seen they like collard, mustard greens, and spinach.


Hatchling Member
thanks for helping guys gonna start feeding him a lot more from now on. Definitions have you ever tried feeding him salad outside his bowl like on a rock or something because mushu had the same problem he wouldn't eat any salad in his bowl but he eats loads if it's placed on a rock it might just be mushu though.
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