Allison and Ramoth:

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Well some of you know the story of The Dragon Princesses and their trip to live in a new castle in Tn when they were very young. I have returned to continue their story, (if my computer will let me) :lol:

Once Ramoth woke up they have had a very busy spring and the summer is off to a great start! Both seem to have stopped growing, or eating for that matter. I am going tomorrow to pick up some dragon candy, waxies and PW's (if I can find them near) Hope that perks up the old appitite. I know adults eat less and they ARE both over 1 yr now....still a slave worries. How are they to keep their nice plump princess tummies if they don't stuff themselves silly? :mrgreen:
OK I' going to try for some picts here cross your fingers.
The Princesses arrival day:

That is Katherine's hand! :shock:

Early fun on the Bonsai:

Ramoth Before Christmas:

Allison before Christmas:

This is Jan or Feb:

As you can see they have grown a LOT!
I'll post more recent picts as soon as I get PB to co-operate. :lol:
Sandy H

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Katherine, you are so talented and creative. I always look forward to reading your poems.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Awww! Love the poem! Tell Katherine she is an AWESOME poet! :blob8: :blob8: :blob8: :blob8:
(hmm! Has Katherine outgrown the bouncing smilies yet? :roll: )


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Katherine thanks you all for the praise. (blushes too) She doesn't realize not everyone finds words so easy. (She still likes the bouncies)
She finished her castle for a history class at the Home school co-op. She painted it purple! :D I'm pretty sure that was not a common color during the middle ages. But then most castles were not home to a dozen faries and a large dragon. :mrgreen: Guess who! I'll try to send picts Tues. No time tomorrow, busy, busy!

Well the Hornworms got big enough to eat. Yum,yum! Well, not me, the girls. I set the cup on the table in my drawing class last week and Ramoth charged down the table and attacked it! :lol: I have tryed to get a pict of them eating one but even Allison is too fast for the camera. They do love their wormies. They also love clover leaf and dandilion flower salad. Bummer they don't like dandilion leaves. The flowers have all fluffed, but we still have lots of leaves. The roses will be blumming soon and they both LOVE rose petals. To everything there is a season... :D
Ramoth is still all over the house. She often sleeps out because we simply can't find her! :shock: She has one good spot that I haven't found yet. When she does that we usually find her in the middle of the floor about an hour after we get up. She waits till we have gone through the house several times and then just appears in the middle of the floor. I think she is practicing for Tatsu's army. (Are they still plotting?) :mrgreen:
I have fixed up a great space in my bay window for the girls. Ramoth won't stay anywhere for more than 5 min. But Allie loves it. She moves from end to end looking out the window, ciombing on her rock or log and snuggling in her flower pot. (She LOVES dirt!) :D
Ach- I've gotta get to bed, tomorrow is a long day. 'night all.

Sandy H :mrgreen:

fresnowitte Sicko
Hi Sandy!
It sounds like Ramoth keeps you busy. :lol:

Wonderful Ramoth poem Katherine :D ...thank-you for having your mom share it with us. :wink:
Keep them coming when you can we all enjoy them.

Hugs and Snuggles!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Ah Ha! A Hijack! :mrgreen: Now I know why my in box is so full- We've all been bunny Jacked! :laughing6: Look out Dawn- this time of year revenge is indeed sweet! :mrgreen:

Sandy H

BTW- not really a coincidense on your turtle's name, seems we both enjoy McCaffrey! :D Cute turtle, too.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well it just goes to show we all make mistakes! :shock: :mrgreen: Ramoth has been super hormonal since waking from brumation. With all this egg laying going on I thought we were going to have eggs. :? I don't tink so. :laughing6:
I had the "girls" in the yard enjoying some sun. (They both need new bulbs.) Allison was beside me enjouing some clover and Ramoth was quite aways away by Daniel in another patch. I heard Daniel shout "HEY!" and looked over to see what was up. He shouted "LOOK" I looked down and he was already ON Allie, bighting her neck, wiggling his but into position!! :oops: I quickly removed him and put him as far to the other side as i could reach. He started head bobbing, streached up all proud like he was something special! :mrgreen:
Katherine sat down with Allie on her lap and calmed her down. She was solid black and cowering. (Don't think she was as ready as Ramoth) Twice more Ramoth raced across the yard to Allison, climbing right up on Katherine's lap once! :laughing6: I put Allie back in her window viv and Ramoth in his. "His" that's going to take some getting used to! :?

Sandy H :mrgreen:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
protiemama":2k4qbq5b said:
Well it just goes to show we all make mistakes! :shock: :mrgreen: Ramoth has been super hormonal since waking from brumation. With all this egg laying going on I thought we were going to have eggs. :? I don't tink so. :laughing6:
I had the "girls" in the yard enjoying some sun. (They both need new bulbs.) Allison was beside me enjouing some clover and Ramoth was quite aways away by Daniel in another patch. I heard Daniel shout "HEY!" and looked over to see what was up. He shouted "LOOK" I looked down and he was already ON Allie, bighting her neck, wiggling his but into position!! :oops: I quickly removed him and put him as far to the other side as i could reach. He started head bobbing, streached up all proud like he was something special! :mrgreen:
Katherine sat down with Allie on her lap and calmed her down. She was solid black and cowering. (Don't think she was as ready as Ramoth) Twice more Ramoth raced across the yard to Allison, climbing right up on Katherine's lap once! :laughing6: I put Allie back in her window viv and Ramoth in his. "His" that's going to take some getting used to! :?
Rut roh! :laughing6:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Rut roh doesn't begin to cover it. Allison has escaped her window playground twice. She seems to be as interested as Ramoth now. Both of them were out this evening. So far I have only found Ramoth. :shock: He was sleeping on a rug in a corner and was the most beautiful golden yellow ever. I thing any eggs we get may be fertal. :banghead: I think I need a drink. Hey Dawn, set up the bar- it's gonna be a bumpy ride. :?

Sandy H :mrgreen:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well I can guarentee Katherine won't let me dispose of them, soooo ... I hope I can find good homes for everyone. I had hoped she would never lay. With only one leg in the rear and half a tail, I wonder how she will hold up to laying? :dontknow:
Anyone tell me how long from mating to laying the first cluch? :? Time to study. :study:

Sandy H :mrgreen:

beardie parents Sicko
Well, that's one way to find out the true sex of your beardies, the other way is when your 'male' lays eggs. You'll do fine, Sandy. I also don't think I could dispose of the eggs, either. I can't help it, it's like getting rid of a gift, even if it's one you didn't plan on. I know it's only lizards, but the babies are sooo cute!
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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