Allison and Ramoth:

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Well some of you know the story of The Dragon Princesses and their trip to live in a new castle in Tn when they were very young. I have returned to continue their story, (if my computer will let me) :lol:

Once Ramoth woke up they have had a very busy spring and the summer is off to a great start! Both seem to have stopped growing, or eating for that matter. I am going tomorrow to pick up some dragon candy, waxies and PW's (if I can find them near) Hope that perks up the old appitite. I know adults eat less and they ARE both over 1 yr now....still a slave worries. How are they to keep their nice plump princess tummies if they don't stuff themselves silly? :mrgreen:
OK I' going to try for some picts here cross your fingers.
The Princesses arrival day:

That is Katherine's hand! :shock:

Early fun on the Bonsai:

Ramoth Before Christmas:

Allison before Christmas:

This is Jan or Feb:

As you can see they have grown a LOT!
I'll post more recent picts as soon as I get PB to co-operate. :lol:
Sandy H


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I woke both girls yesterday for a bath and mid-winter snack. Both are fat and healthy. I swear I think Ramoth has grown while hiding. I'l have to weigh and measure her next time. She enjoyed her bath but scurried back up to her "bed" as soon as she felt warm enough. :lol: Allison on the other hand tolerated her bath, but loved her salad AND stayed up to snuggle a bit! :D My poor Mom is not a fan of lizards, so she is happy they are sleeping. :shock: :roll:
The guys are finally here instaling our new upstairs carpet! :blob8: When they are done we will move the kids stuff into their "new" rooms and try to get back to normal around here. Why are we remodeling at Christmas with my mother here? :shock: :roll: I think we have lost our minds. To make things even more interesting- my brother and niece will be here tonight. They will take Mom home Fri. Till then- life will not be dull. :lol: Oh, and SIL and her hubby will be here for the day Thurs to help "finish" up the re model. HELP, please?! :lol:

Joy to all,
Sandy H :mrgreen:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hope you all had a great Christmas, Sandy, your girls both look great. I love the steps in the bath, gives them something to rest on while in the water. Great idea!

We all wish you a wonderful 2011 & that your internet connection works more often, so we get updates of your beautiful princesses!

Rubio wanted to say "Happy New Year, may it be always smiling and happy!" He's been asleep for 3 months & no sign of wanting to get up yet. I took this pic before he started sleeping:


Hugs to you & your zoo
Deb, from my zoo!!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
protiemama":npnw5dv3 said:
Why are we remodeling at Christmas with my mother here? :shock: :roll: I think we have lost our minds. To make things even more interesting- my brother and niece will be here tonight. They will take Mom home Fri. Till then- life will not be dull. :lol: Oh, and SIL and her hubby will be here for the day Thurs to help "finish" up the re model. HELP, please?! :lol:

I'm saying a prayer for you as I type. :laughing6: :notworthy:

fresnowitte Sicko
Hi Sandy!

Hope that life is getting a little back to normal for you. :wink:

Loved seeing the new pic's of Ramoth and look forward to seeing new pic's of Allie too. :wink:

Hope 2011 is good to you an your's.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Barb- glad to see you over here. Hope things have calmed down at your place. I'd love to see some more picts of Mr. Turtle. I think the kids enjoy the turtles as much as the dragons. :D

Well the upstairs remodel is almost done. The kids are getting settled in thheir new rooms. Daniel is all the John Deere all the time. But he has decided he wants me to paint his ceiling fan camoflage. His curtains and "tent" are a jungle print covered with a variety of lizards. Katherine's room is lavender and lace. We turned the dormer into a fairey garden. She put flower and butterfly and ladybug stickers on the walls. I made her a fairy tent from 2 purple sheers and a quilting hoop. I'll try to post picts soon. This all goes lovely with the dino stickers and shelf of stuffed dinos over her bed. :mrgreen: :lol:

The girls are still sleeping. It was 11 degrees last night. More of the same tonight and snow for the next 2 days. I don't they will come out soon. Well at least not of their own free will. :( I'll get them up soon for a bath and a nibble or two of salad. It seems Ramoth has been asleep forever. Wish i could join her. :lol:

Wishing you all warmth and sunshine for basking.
Sandy H :mrgreen:

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Nice to hear from you Sandy, the kids room sounds great, hopefully you'll send us some pics along with Allison and Ramoth. (bah hum bug brumation)

fresnowitte Sicko cold for these ole bones.
I'd share some of this basking weather we are having today with everyone if I could.

Yes things have gotten much calmer and peaceful thanks. :)
I'll see what I can do about filling that request for the kids. :wink:
(That is if PB will cooperate)

I bet you are glad the remodel is finished. :)

Hugs & Snuggles!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
OK- Who ordered THIS weather?!?!! :banghead: :angry5: I live in central TN, this is supposed to be the SOUTH! Several days ago we got 6 inches of snow, 6 inches!?! :shock:
Where did that come from? We got several inches the first part of Dec and then 2 inches on Christmas day. OK, I admit, snow on Christmas day is just too perfect. :mrgreen:

But seriously, temps have not topped freezing since Sat. :shock: Yesterday the high was 25, I think we hit 27 today. The next few days it is supposed to get cold? :? WTF is it now? Where is Al Gore and his "Global Warming" when you need them? :lol:
I have 2 unhappy cats, 2 unhappy dogs and 22 unhappy chickens. And lets not forget my dragons. I was going to bathe the girls today.... They would not come out. Can't say as I blame them. If this keeps up I may curl up under a heat lamp and brumate with them! :lol:
Frozen in TN,
Sandy's zoo :(

fresnowitte Sicko
:lol: I know not funny but you made me laugh with the comment about the colder weather to come. :lol:
Sorry it's so darn cold...Brrrr....
I can imagine what it must be like to be locked up with all those freezing animals not to mention kids. My cats all yell at me when it's raining or the wind blows really hard... :roll: like I can make it stop. :roll:
Are your's yelling at you?

Nope you definately can not blame the girls for not wanting to get up...see they are very smart creatures. :lol: I'm surprised the cats aren't trying to bask too. :)

Hey wait a minute how are you keeping the chickens warm enough? Tell me that Daniel hasn't taken them into his newly remodeled room. :lol:

Try and stay warm! :wink:

beardie parents Sicko
protiemama":1ajchs4k said:
OK- Who ordered THIS weather?!?!! :banghead: :angry5: I live in central TN, this is supposed to be the SOUTH! Several days ago we got 6 inches of snow, 6 inches!?! :shock:
Where did that come from? We got several inches the first part of Dec and then 2 inches on Christmas day. OK, I admit, snow on Christmas day is just too perfect. :mrgreen:

But seriously, temps have not topped freezing since Sat. :shock: Yesterday the high was 25, I think we hit 27 today. The next few days it is supposed to get cold? :? WTF is it now? Where is Al Gore and his "Global Warming" when you need them? :lol:
I have 2 unhappy cats, 2 unhappy dogs and 22 unhappy chickens. And lets not forget my dragons. I was going to bathe the girls today.... They would not come out. Can't say as I blame them. If this keeps up I may curl up under a heat lamp and brumate with them! :lol:
Frozen in TN,
Sandy's zoo :(

thanks for that, Sandy. I needed that laugh. The problem with where you live is you get more precipitation than we here in AZ get. We were supposed to get snow right before January 1st. We didn't at my house but on Jan 31st we drove to Tucson to do grocery shopping and we saw places of snow still on the ground. We didn't complain, it wasn't enough to have problems on the road, thankfully.

We did have 18 inches in snow in one day, it got down to 1 degree above 0. It was in the winter of 1979, and I was living in Iowa at that time and I missed it but I heard it shut the entire town of Sierra Vista, AZ down for 4 days. I would like to see that just once. It hasn't happened in more then 30 years and I don't expect it any time soon, so you can move down here and you won't have all those cold problems. We freeze when it gets below 60 f.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Chickens in the bedroom?! :shock: I better go check! :laughhard: Seriously though, their shed is quite snugg, with 22 in there they give off enough body heat that their water doesn't freeze. :D I have been opening their little door for them daily, They just look at me like I'm crazy, so I have to feed them inside the coop. Chickens aren't quite as dumb as they are rumored to be. :lol:
The dogs and cats are forced to live outdoors, as Keith is severly allergic. Not to worry- we have fixed up a couple of very cozy spots on the porch for them. The cats often curl up with the dogs and all are warm. Not happy, but warm enough. :| The kids bundle up and sit on the porch with the cats tucked in their jackets too. The dogs try to join them but it doesn't quite work. :lol:

Yes, I too, freeze at temps below 60! :lol: That's why I moved to Tn. Guess I didn't go far enough. Of course Atlanta got enough snow to close the airport! :shock: Seems like with all this global warming, Dawn may soon have to worry about snow on her lovely beaches, :mrgreen:
Actually, I'd hate to have to buy feeders right now. I couldn't pay the premium for overnight. Good thing the girls are out so soundly. :D See, I finally found something good about brumation. Aren't ya'll proud of me? :lol:
Boy, I'm getting silly. One AM, hmmmm, guess it's time for bed. Ever been awakened at 7AM by a 6 yr old with a snowball? My life is NOT dull. :mrgreen: g'night all-

Sandy H

fresnowitte Sicko
Good night, sleep tight, an I would say "don't let the bed bugs bite", but they'd probably be frozen anyway. :lol:

Brumation can be good as it gives us time to catch up on other things as well...for me it's housework. :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Something new for Katherine's fan club.


My lizard is cute
Much bigger than a newt
She's skikey and fun
Always on the run
She's small and lean
Named after a queen
She sleeps all winter
And never gets thinner
All summer she pounces
Anything that bounces
Ramoth's my friend
Untill the end!
:blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:
By Katherine
aka Sandy's DD :mrgreen:
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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