After a Bath, do you pat them dry?

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Juvie Member
I always have a soft wash cloth (her size mini-towel) to wrap her in - but she does wiggle - then take her over to the viv under the heat. She's 5 months and doesn't show any love for the bath, but gets it any way. Who knows, she may change her mind. I always wait for a poop, then take her out. Since she doesn't stay in the water too long, usually bath her every other day. Lots of folks say, keep her in for 20 min.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
OK maybe I will just pat them dry with some tissue, I am scared they mite develop some type of fungus if I don't. And If I use a towel, that means I will have to wash the towel everyday as well, so I will just use tissue.


Sub-Adult Member
Leaving them to air dry also leaves them at risk of developing a URI. They don't know you want them to stay under the basking light and can wander away and get cold.


Sub-Adult Member
I do. Right now, she's still kinda small, so I just have a wash rag ready; it's just big enough to put under her and pat her down. I have a HUGE stack of wash rags and dish towels, so when she gets too big for a rag, I will use those. I am still not sure how I got so many towels/rags....
I'm afraid to leave them to dry, too. I don't want her to get an RI, plus I have a megaray now, and I'm afraid that the rays will somehow burn her. This may be crazy, but I worry too much..


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I just got a whole roll of large paper towels for them to use, so we can just throw them away after patting them dry. I just use their towels to wrap them when they go to bed that's it :-D
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