Doors - 1' of tempered glass all along the bottom front and sides (keep the creepy crawly critters in) - and then the doors will be outward swinging, meeting in the middle, with a latch. (tempered glass, 3/16" framed in wood)
Sides of glass, back maply plywood, stained or painted. Paint suggestions if I paint back wall white? (stained portions will be sealed with appropriate sealant.
Levels and lighting [/b]- He's a climber, so I'm making this 3' tall so he can have some levels to climb around - but I know if making levels, I'll be blocking a lot of light - this is a place where I'm really hoping for thoughts - lights under each shelf? basking spot - a couple different ones? Just a shelf up high with bask near top - and how big of light? I'm thinking Arcadia D3+ 12% UVB T5 Bulb - 34" - this would be 3/4 length of habitat - with basking light mounted on same side as uvb (planning on offsetting the 34" to keep bask/light/heat on one side. Maybe cfl or something non heat-emitting for the cold side. Is the 34" too much, or ok with that big of cage? I currently have 22" arcadia - should I put that under one of the levels, or is one UVB at top of 36" high enclosure enough? Is it true that any old fixture, as long as designed for that size bulb and reflected, will be fine? Link for something for the 34" arcadia would be appreciated? Lighting is my big concern
VENTING - I'm guessing this is going to be start small and work my way up. Vent near bask up high, and then down low on cold side? Do vents need to be on sides, or can I just put them on back? If you found a good looking vent, I'm open to ideas.
LEVELS - give him two floor levels (plus base level), with logs and ropes for climbing, was going to make the elevated floors as partials, so as not to block all light. Guess I'm wondering if anyone has designed something like this - photos, pretty please?
Bottom floor - thinking shelf liner with removable tiles that I can take out to clean. I also believe I'll do a dig box in the bottom. I understand the concern that they can eat sand/substrate when trying to eat their critters - but our guy eats right out of a lipped bowl, so no critter eating in dig - does that make some substrate ok? he does love a good dig! Suggestions? necessary depth of box?
whats the rules on climbing logs - can I go find them in nature? certain types no-no's? good place to purchase?
I guess those are my questions for now - if anyone has a moment to share thoughts on some of my bigger points (lighting, creating levels) I'd sure appreciate it. So will Torchie!