Advanced Cricket Q and A

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Juvie Member
I would like this to be a good reference thread for anything to do with crickets

First, I would like to ask some questions regarding Cricket Breeding. I have been doing lots of research on breeding crickets, and have heard things like "take the breeding substrate, like Eco-Earth, and put it on top of the crates"?? First of all, why do you put the substrate on top of the Egg Crate? I have also heard that when you are incubating the eggs, you have to put the babies in a different container - how do you do that? Take all the crickets out, then put the soil in a different container? These questions may seem stupid, but they are confusing me lol, if someone with more experience would like to clear these up for me, that would be great. Thank you

- Kevin


Hatchling Member

Crickets can be confusing little buggers. I will try to eliminate some of that for you...

In order for crickets to successfully breed and reporduce, you will need to have an area where the adults can lay their eggs. You can use EcoEarth or peat moss inside a shallow container. This should be about an inch thick, no less. The adult females will lay their eggs in the substrate. Leave that container inside the adult cricket bin for a couple of days and then remove it. You can replace it with another to capture more eggs. Once you take the container out, the eggs will need to incubate for about 7-10 days in 90 degree heat. Place the incubated container inside another bin on top of the egg crates. The eggs should all hatch within a week. Once the babies hatch, they will jump out into the egg crates and start looking for something to eat. Then it is just a matter of repeating the process...

Hope this helps.


Gray-bearded Member
You put it on top of the egg crate so no cricket poo ends up in there, only eggs.

nice answers above tho :mrgreen: good luck


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Another Cricket Breeding Question:

How much babies would you get out of a good sized container of bedding material?

Say I had a 40-50 gallon tote with like 500-1000 crickets, with a decently big container of bedding material, how much would you think I would get out of one cycle of babies?

Thanks guys, you have been very helpful


Hatchling Member
That is really a difficult question to answer. It really all depends on how many fertile females you have and if they are ready to lay their eggs. The best thing that you can do is put in a container (about 9x13) that has about an inch of peat moss in it and leave it for a couple of days. Then take it out and replace it. Let it set for another couple days and then repeat the process. Make sure that you have your temperatures correct. You will see babies hatching in about 10 days. Then watch out...because there will be a lot. And beacuse there are a lot, there will also be a lot of stink. Be sure to clean it out and maintain a "clean" environment for them.

Best of luck...
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