Adult Bearded Dragons North Florida

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Hello friends, I am looking to purchase my first dragon around August. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for places to get a young adult or adult dragons in North Florida (Jacksonville area)? Places near Central Florida (Melbourne area) are also fine, I visit my parents sometimes and could pick one up then. Thanks in advance! :)


New member
I'm so glad I came across your post! I have a young beardie about one year right now that I am looking to sell. I live in Jacksonville and was looking to sell her for $175 with everything you need included. She will come with her tank, red calcium sand three accessories, her basking light with a current and new bulb, her UVB light, some food, her water bowl and food bowl, a heating rock, a heating lamp, some mealworms, some other food, an 8 plug timed outlet, her thermometers and hydrometers and I'm pretty sure I have more. The tank is very big and heavy so It would only have to be pick up. I can send you pictures if you'd like just send me an email at [email protected]
Oh, her name is Mushu like the dragon from Mulan. She is very lazy and sweet. I am a college student and a full time worker so I find myself not having time to feed her or taking her out for some exercise. My mom usually feeds her and that should be my responsibility. I would also really like to know why you want a beardie and if you have experience? And if you've done your research?
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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