That is a hard call. Since he is still losing weight, that isn't good. Is there a vet any closer for you?
You are right, they disguise illness well. What is he eating right now? I would hesitate on overmedicating
too, that can really be hard on them.
Has his beard been dark at all, or normal in color?
Let us know how he is doing.
My vet is now offering Fridays at a clinic in my city! I made an appointment for this friday at 1:30pm.
He is normal colours, not pale and isnt
black bearding at all. The sides of his beard have turned darker from time to time but he hasnt actually given a full
black beard. Its hard to know if hes sleeping more because he is older or if something is wrong but he does sleep for a few hours of each day, usually in the middle of his cage around the 75-85F areas.
I keep messing around with the lights to try to get better temp range because it seems like he doesnt want to be directly under the basking spot(im assuming the basking spot is too hot around 95-110) and the cool end is too cold (68-72F).
I think part of the issue is that my vet knows me to be "the reptile guru" and assumes that my husbandry is always spot on. He has seen me over the last 12 years with several rescued lizards from chameleons to leopard geckos and I have nursed several very sick reptiles back to health. Also he knows that I have studied reptile vet textbooks and know way more than the average beardie mom. Also he is the only vet in my province for several hours drive.
Last trip (dec 3), he suggested that Darius could have a tumor but didnt see or feel anything during the exam and lacks the equipment for further testing like MRI or ultrasound. I think it could be much simpler than that, Darius isnt getting the ideal lights which is causing him not to absorb calcium properly. His UVB was 14 months old when i replaced it recently due to a mistake in reminder not being set.
Both times his blood was taken over the last few months he showed low calcium and even low phosphorous while everything else was in the normal range. I think Darius has NSHP caused by weak UVB exposure and this may be a case of us ignoring the most obvious thing it could be because we both assumed the lighting was right. He is getting more UVB now and hopefully that will help.
If I can get a good sample I can do the fecal tests at home, I have a microscope and everything to be able to check for pinworm eggs and stuff but I havent seen anything on him or any of the reptiles at all. His last fecal at the vet (i still send them out to the pros) also came back negative.
He doesnt do the weird breathing thing anymore at least. The main issues I worry about are the head tremors (they seem to come and go) and the weight loss. He does also randomly have muscle twitches too.
He is still eating well but looks so skinny. On friday, he got 4 crickets with a multivitamin (repashy calcium plus lod) turnip greens and endive. I gave him collard greens, red bell pepper and arugula yesterday with 4 crickets (dusted with plain calcium) today I gave him some spinach for the first time and chicory leaves. I have been trying out many more gutload products for the crickets (repashy superload and grassland grazer gel)and may be overdoing it on trying too many new things. I have not been able to find liquid calcium or probiotics for him but will ask the vet next time we are in.
He went up a little bit in weight the next day??? Yet he looks so flat and deflated. At his biggest weight (2ish years ago) he was 566g (I admit he was overweight) and now hes down an entire 100 grams. You can clearly see his hips and shoulder blades now, especially in the second pic im attaching to this.
This is all so stressful, some days he looks better and some days he looks awful. I have been burying myself in research so I am armed with information for our vet trip. i will admit im not taking the best care of myself as I am hyperfocusing this issue and reading vet textbooks all day to the point i forget to eat. I know i wont be much help if i get sick but i can help but worry about him so much. thanks for the support and advice, its helping me stay sane <3