I have a 5 month old bearded dragon and something is very wrong. I have no idea what to do. 3 days ago I saw her bobbing her head up and down and knew she wasn’t okay. Her beard puffed up and became black and it looked like she was choking. She was still moving and after giving her drops of water she seemed to slowly get better. She hasn’t been eating and I’ve been keeping a close eye on her. A day after the first incident I found her on her back in her terrarium, she was not moving. She was still breathing and I helped her on to her stomach. Today has been the worst. I woke up and found her almost on her side curled up. There were 2 small mealworms that looked like they were almost eating her? I took her out of the terrarium and placed her on a warm shirt. She was slightly shaking and she has occasionally been opening her mouth. She opens it for about 20 seconds. She is not walking, but she is twitching randomly. I have been spraying her with water to keep her hydrated. Her eyes look sunken and her behavior has not changed for 18 hours. I always monitor the temperature and she lives in a 40 gallon tank with a heat lamp and UV lamp. She eats small mealworms daily and occasionally fruits and vegetables. It is devastating to see her in this condition and I have no idea what to do. I am worried about calling the vet as I have heard some terrible stories and I don’t want to move her or make her more uncomfortable. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do or what the problem might be?