I got my first bearded dragon late last December and had purchased ~200 extra large Dubia more or less on a whim. There was a sale going on and I knew it was now or never so they came in the mail and I was literally in tears trying to get them out of the box and into the Rubbermaid. About 20 minutes later I snapped the lid closed and regretted buying them 100%, I was hoping they'd die but I stuck them in the storage closet with a heating pad underneath and crossed my fingers it wouldn't start a fire.
That was in December so it's been roughly 3 months since and I finally got the courage to take it outside and try to clean it last night. (I had posted in another thread saying it smelled, i think i figured out why...) I had rubber gloves, a bottles of raid to quickly murder any that escaped and of course my camera as proof of what I did. I had seen some babies running around a couple weeks ago but never thought I'd have more then 50 since of their less then ideal conditions.
The new setup is still far from ideal but when I move I'll go ahead and get a new container, big stack of egg crates and hopefully find some other way to heat it since an old heating pad is a very bad fire hazard. I'll go ahead and make another post with pictures for those that are interested.
That was in December so it's been roughly 3 months since and I finally got the courage to take it outside and try to clean it last night. (I had posted in another thread saying it smelled, i think i figured out why...) I had rubber gloves, a bottles of raid to quickly murder any that escaped and of course my camera as proof of what I did. I had seen some babies running around a couple weeks ago but never thought I'd have more then 50 since of their less then ideal conditions.
The new setup is still far from ideal but when I move I'll go ahead and get a new container, big stack of egg crates and hopefully find some other way to heat it since an old heating pad is a very bad fire hazard. I'll go ahead and make another post with pictures for those that are interested.