Hey, so I’m relatively new, just got my beardie about a month ago as a bit of an unexpected rescue. I’ve been obsessively trying to make sure everything is as it needs to be, and it was. temps were perfect and she was basking nicely. until her vet appointment last week, she was diagnosed with a pretty high pinworm count and my vet recommended medication. I had to remove everything from her enclosure including her substrate, her basking log, her hammock, her plants, anything that was porous. Ever since, her temps have been just not good. I had a 150 watt and a 75 watt before, and recently added another 100 watt bulb to try and get the heat back up but it’s barely going past 90. I don’t know what to do, I’m wondering if I’m just measuring temps wrong but I don’t think I am, but I also don’t want her to overheat if that is the case. I’ll see if I can add photos. Any help at all is appreciated, even if it’s something unrelated to this. (Edit, I just went to go hold her, and she was pretty warm to the touch, she wasn’t showing any signs of being too hot, her mouth was closed, was bright in color, just felt very warm. So confused because both of my temps are still reading about 91 on basking and 74 on cool end.)
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