2017 Bearded Dragon Calendar images needed!!!

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BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Yes, it's that time again!!!

2017 Bearded Dragon Calendar image submissions!

The deadline for the 2017 Calendar submissions is 11:59pm on Sunday, October 9, 2016. (That's just over 5 weeks from this post).

PLEASE READ THE WHOLE MESSAGE CAREFULLY. I know that this is pretty long, but in order to make this process go more smoothly, please follow the info about submission image guidelines. Do not submit more than two images per beardie!

Also, please be sure to also read the tips at the end!!! In past years, I have noticed that many people have really great ideas, but the picture doesn't get taken properly. Either the resolution is too low, or the camera focused on the background, leaving a blurry beardie. The tips below will also help you improve your pictures (I am an advanced amateur photographer, so I feel comfortable giving some basic tips).

Again, the deadline for the 2017 Calendar submissions is 11:59pm on Sunday, October 9, 2016


Yes, we're doing another Calendar! And yes, I will do as I have the last 12 years, and do my best to include one image of every beardie sent to me. I will leave it to my own discretion as to which images are used, which will get a "larger" position, and which will get smaller images.

Want to see your beardie inside the 2017 Bearded Dragon calendar? Well, get those images submitted!!!
Please submit images EARLY if you have them ready

What you need to do
1. Find or take the best pictures of your beardie(s) you can. When deciding which ones are the best, please look for the following qualities:
- Sharpness: Make sure the bearded dragon is in focus and sharp
- Composure: Look for an image or shot that has a nice overall aesthetic look, a nice background, good lighting quality, not too "messy", etc.
- Size/Resolution: Set your cameras for the absolute highest resolution and quality that they will take. Only the higher quality images (at least 5 megapixels) will be considered for full page use. Lower resolution images will still be used if possible, but only in smaller form (see samples below for what the smaller ones are like on a page).

When submitting your pictures, please upload a copy of the ORIGINAL (JPG only please). If you shoot in RAW, please convert to JPG. If you don't know what RAW is, don't worry about... your camera does JPG. :) I want the maximum resolution possible. If you export from your photo program, please make sure it isn't resizing it "for email" or some other small size. Additionally, images should NOT have been digitally modified (including resizing to make "larger"). If an image needs improvement, please let me worry about doing that. No designs, text, etc. are to be added to the images prior to sending them to me.

2. Upload the picture(s) using this link. This year (like last) we're using a web form to simplify submitting pictures. You must be logged in on the forums before accessing the upload form. That way, it will know your username. Be sure to enter the name of each beardie in each picture. If there are multiple beardies in one pic, please list them as shown left to right.

LIMIT TWO PICTURES PER BEARDED DRAGON. This means, if you have 2 beardies please send no more than 4 pictures for consideration.

Please note that all images that are submitted must be free of any copyright restrictions or at MINIMUM, by submitting an image, you authorize it to be used royalty-free for the Bearded Dragon Calendar to be reproduced, distributed, and sold on the Beardie Stuff Store (hosted by CafePress). Profits from Beardie Stuff products contribute to keeping this site up and running for all. You assume any and all responsibility for any legal repercussions related to the material that you submit, that you did not own, or did not have the right to submit.

Notes / Tips
- In order to even be considered for a full page layout, the image must be at least 5 Megapixels. Set your camera on the maximum quality and size that it can take.

- If you have them, include images that are at least 8 Megapixels ... this is the minimum resolution to be considered for the main cover.

- Shoot in landscape format (wider image, not taller). Portrait (vertically framed) images cannot qualify for a full page spread, as the calendar is landscape format. For images that have been submitted in portrait format, and that I think could have potential for full page, I will contact you to ask if you could retake a similar shot. Otherwise, I will work with what was submitted for one of the many other spots in the calendar.

Photography Tips

- Allow some extra room around the frame of the picture. While I do like images that are up close, don't get TOO close. I will need to be able to crop the image to fit into the calendar (whether a smaller square or a full page image). If there is no room around the image, I won't be able to crop it.

- It can be nice to have beardies with beautiful background scenery, BUT if you choose to do this, be careful not to leave them looking tiny in the image. Try to find a good balance of scenery and beardie.

- Make sure your subject is sharp! The problem many people have when taking pictures of smaller things, is that they get too close! While cameras are getting better at handling this, they cannot focus closer than a certain distance. So, stay at least 18 inches back.

- Use the "pre-focus" option!! Pretty much EVERY digital camera has this these days. Just before taking the picture, press the shutter-button (the one to take the picture) about half way down. Usually you'll hear a beep or see on your screen where the camera is choosing to focus. If the camera's autofocus didn't pick a focus point close to your beardie's eye, let go, and press it half way again until it does. Then press it all the way to snap that picture.

- If your camera has it, put it into Macro mode. That's usually an icon image of a flower, of food, or something you would have to be close to. If you don't have one, try portrait mode (a icon image of a person usually). This tells the camera that the priority is to focus on things that are closer.

- I could write a whole chapter on ways to improve focus. The best thing I can suggest... practice!! Seriously! Put your beardie (or even a model, like a stuffed animal) someplace, and take some practice pictures. Don't expect to use these (although, if you get a good one, keep it). But then load them on your computer and look closely at the eyes of your beardie. You want to see them sharp and in-focus. The rest can be slightly blurry... but if the eye is sharp, the picture will look good.

Sharpness is always the biggest problem which is why I am emphasizing it so much. So, I'll stop my tips here... the rest is practice and artistic preferences. You can see what I tend to like by looking at previous year previews (listed below).

Again, if you have questions, please feel free to reply here. I will be watching the thread for replies.

Below are some screen shots a previous Calendars just to give you an idea of what I did with the pictures that were submitted:


After submission, this is how things will go and how you get your calendar!
- I go to work
I will process through all the images and create preview images, and the draft copies of the calendars.

- I will post previews (Estimated to be about 3rd week of October)
This is so people can check for correctness. I will make a global post, like this one to bring attention to it, and will reply here for anyone "watching" or subscribed to this topic (see bottom left of the page if you want to subscribe and see replies). I will probably leave 1 week for people to see the post for "corrections" being requested. Of course, if a last minute correction is needed, I will try to do so before you order yours. Other people may have the wrong name for your beardie, but at least YOU will have one with the right names. :) Following the instructions above closely will help.

- I will finalize the calendars on the Beardie Stuff Store (Estimated to be early November)
They will be available for purchase on the Beardie Stuff Store. Pricing works out to be about $20. I need to verify if CafePress has changed their base prices this year or not, but expect pricing to be about that. I will also make a global post to let everyone know, and will post about it on the main home page of the site!

I will also send updates for each of these steps to those added to the "Beardie Stuff Store notifications" group. You can add yourself by going to the User Control Panel and added yourself to it. Or use the following link as a short cut.


Cheers! I look forward to seeing all the beardies!!!
If you sent a picture in and decided that you want to send a different picture in how do you delete or swap out the picture?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Just add the additional one. I prefer that people keep it to 2 images per beardie, but for various reason (this being one of them), that can't always happen. So, just upload it and it will be among those I choose from.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Ashgrove13 brought it to my attention that her upload was going to 100%, but staying stuck there. When I looked into it, our security controls were blocking the upload as a false positive of a security risk. I've since disabled having the security controls block requests for calendar image uploads (just logs).

If anyone has problems with uploading or strange behavior, please do let me know. It's very likely the issue you're seeing affects more than just you, and I might be able to fix it.

Thanks Ashgrove13!



New member
I'm sorry, but I accidentally sent in three pictures, because I sent in the wrong one. I apologize.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
That's all right. Thank you for submitting.

I need to send out a final reminder email to everyone.



Sub-Adult Member
I have my halloween costume coming in the mail. If it's a little late can I still submit a pic of Scaley with it as long as it's before end of Oct?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
For a specialty shot like that, I'll give a little more time, but I'll need it no later than the 16th.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hi Alex. I submitted pictures for beardies, 2 of each. Do confimation emails automatically still go out?

Hope we get as many entries as last year. Those calendars were all awesome.

Thanks for all you do. :D


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain

No, confirmation emails are not sent. But if you see them listed in your calendar uploads, then it has been properly received. If not, then it has not been properly received. There's a link to view calendar uploads at the top of the upload form. Here's a direct link for convenience: https://www.beardeddragon.org/calendarUpload/viewUploads.php



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Thanks Alex. That's awesome that we can view all the calendar uploads that we submitted. I never knew about that direct link. Looks like all of mine were received. :)


I'm really sad that I missed last years calendar! But my little brother (he's 13) is super excited at the possibility to put his beardie, Smaug, in it this year! Thanks so much for your work on the calendar! I can't wait to see the outcome!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
If anyone has any late submissions get them in this weekend!!! I will close the submission form on Sunday as I need to get started. I've been running late on this myself, so I'm giving a little grace time to all. But once I close it I will be strict about that cutoff date.

Oh. And please do not just add more pictures if you've already got you submissions in. I have a lot to go through and have 5 (or many more in a couple instances) of one beardie adds to the work I have to do and didn't follow the rules for submitting. So please do not add more if you've got your two images per beardie in. This extension is for those who haven't had a chance to get their pics in.

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