12yo Beardie Ill Tonight


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is good news she has taken water & some food from you. I agree, go slowly on the
feeding of the critical care formula & feeding live insects right now isn't necessary until she
gets quite a bit better.
Are you able to keep her a little warmer overight right now? We are all pulling for her, keep
us posted on how she is doing.



Original Poster

That is good news she has taken water & some food from you. I agree, go slowly on the
feeding of the critical care formula & feeding live insects right now isn't necessary until she
gets quite a bit better.
Are you able to keep her a little warmer overight right now? We are all pulling for her, keep
us posted on how she is doing.

Hi Tracie thanks so much she's getting fed four times per day with water and Crictical - she has a heat mat for through the night!


BD.org Sicko
Wow, it sounds like she's taking in a good amount of hydration ! Be very careful of a heat mat though, is she in contact with it or is it under the tank ?


Original Poster
yeah she is trying her best and so am I - her heatmap is underneath her sand so not in direct contact but it only heats up to a certain heat then knocks off


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is good to hear you have a heat mat for her so she can stay warm. I hope the food is helping
her out & that she is able to digest it easily. Please keep us posted on her.



Original Poster
Hi - she seems quite a fair bit more alert and her beard isn't as dark now which is a good sign. Her movement and weight are still a concern however it has only been two days so hopefully over a longer period of time we see an improvement in those. I deffintley think she is more alert now though.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Oh bless her, I know this for sure, she definitely knows how much you love her! She is getting to live
her life out as fully as possible, with you. Hopefully she is feeling better!



Original Poster
Thank you both can't tell you how much of a help you have been up until this point! I really appreciate it! Her name is Magnet, she often just gets Mags or Maggie though. 🤣


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you both can't tell you how much of a help you have been up until this point! I really appreciate it! Her name is Magnet, she often just gets Mags or Maggie though. 🤣
Did you get the UVB adjusted as posted earlier?

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