105 gallon

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Hatchling Member
Hey guys,

Lost my beardie Hades today, just before he got to move into his new tank. He was gonna be a king in it. I don't want it to seem like i'm moving on too fast but I was wondering if it is a good idea to get 2 babies and house them together? My friend has told me of where he can get baby Vanilla and orange colour beardies and I was wondering if I kept them together while young would they be able to share a 105 gallon tank WITHOUT a divider between them.

Losing Hades is terrible but i cant imagine not having Beardies scurrying around the place.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
I'm sorry about your loss. I completely understand why you want another one. When we lost the second of our first two, we went out and got two more, not knowing that it's not good to have beardies share a tank. Redrock helped us to heal from the loss of the first two.

To answer your question, in 99% of the cases I've read about, it's not good to have two share a tank. Sometimes you can make it work if two are females and the tank is large enough (don't know what size that would be) for two basking spots. The first two I had were best friends and never caused each other problems and were housed together, they slept in the 20 tank that Zoom is in now and basked in the window because they loved it so we spoiled them as we didn't know a tank the correct size was available.

Redrock and Sandstone seemed to get along o.k., except we make the mistake of feeding them together for a little while. We have 2 now. Speedy is in the 40 breeder we got for Redrock when she was given to us. We put Rusty Rose (we call her zoom zoom also) in the 20L tank that Redrock slept in before we got Speedy (may also call her Goldie because of the coloring she's developing on her sides.

I suggest go ahead and get another. I don't know whether to say get two or not. I wouldn't want you to come home some day to one of the two severely injured or dead, as I have read on this site has happened. Most of those on this site will say don't house 2 together because you could have serious problems. There are two on this site now that I know of that have missing legs, one, lg, is missing 3.5 of his legs. The other one is missing 3 feet and 1/2 of the tail. They can still live a fairly healthy life, but after your loss, I wouldn't take the chance of housing more than one in the same tank. Personally, I couldn't handle another beardie loss.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
ok so, I dont want to loose anymore of the lil guys so im probably gonna just stick to the one.

was wondering if its ok tp put a baby into a tank as big as 105 gallins? its 4ft x 2ft x 2ft, i have a 36' reptisun 10.0 uvb and a 100 watt house bulb for the basking spot. the lil guy will be able to get within 8 inches roughly of both lights.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
I couldn't answer your last question. My first real baby I just got 3 weeks ago today, almost to the hour. Anyway, I have her (I think it's a her) in a 20 gallon, my Speedy, who has been with us for 7 weeks now, is in a 40 breeder. Having said that, I remember reading some say that babies can get scared in to big of a tank then they suggested to partion off part of the tank so he/she won't be as overwhelmed by all the space and then as they grow, you move the partition making his/her living area larger.

My suggestion is to feed them in a separate container. When we go out for several hours, we put either butterworms or phoenix worms (I don't know if you can get them where you are, as I noticed you are in Ireland, beautiful country) in their bowl with the greens. We feed the crickets in a separate container as it's to hard to get the crickets out with all the stuff in the tank with them.
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