- Beardie name(s)
- LJ
I have both digital probe thermometers and an IR temp gun! His appetite is good! He eats his salad every morning and gets 10-15 Dubias every 4-5 days (Sometimes I switch it up for BSFL). Superworms as treats. I replaced the hammock with a ramp and he seems to be basking again!! It resides slightly lower than the hammock did, I think that was the issue. I will report back if he stops basking again. Thank you so much!Hello,
That is a nice looking tank!
Are you using a digital probe to double check the temperatures? Be sure that the overall, ambient
temperature of the tank on average doesn't get more than around 82F or so. They can get overheated
& not want to bask because they aren't able to cool off properly.
How is his appetite right now?