To evanescent,
Thanks for you for all of your words of encouragement. My mantra all night was "she said they'd
be fine, she said they'd be fine".
To CritterFeeders,
Thanks for your supporting ear and heart!
HURRAY! Our Beardies, #5 and #8 have arrived safe and sound even after an extra day in shipping
Nicole, you are amazing! :notworthy: they were packed so very well, in an insulated box and with
heat pak too! {I never got reptiles shipped before so didn't realize they come in insulated boxes,...
HURRAY!} We got them all warmed up under their basking light, they ate dusted crickets already
and are back basking. I expect some relocation stress soon but for now they are very alert, eating,
curious and checking everything out. We quickly weighed and measured them and they are doing
wonderful thanks to you!
I promise everyone pics soon!