Liquid Off-White Urate. He did a first normal
poop this AM, and now this while exploring. I googled looked at diff thread, I think he may be over-hydrated bc of the bellpepper ? Idk if I’m too worried, what do you think ?
Has anyone encountered a green and yellow 'shell' around their beardies' urate before?
Niblet has had 2 of them so far. They are hard and green with a yellow tip, but when cracked open the urate is bright white. It reminds me of a chili pepper. His poops are hearty and well-digested. Only had...
hi! i rehomed an adult beardie (thought to be ~7 yrs old) from a friend who loved her but couldn't take her in their move. i've named her clementine (aka clem aka cowboy clem). i'm seeking some advice for her waste/consumption behavior because it seems different than how she was with my friend...
Please help. Mochi is my first beardie. I adopted him from PetSmart in July and based on his size I guess that he is about 6 months old now. It’s been a learning process having him. I recently relocated his enclosure to be farther away from the home heat vents so that his humidity levels weren’t...
Hi, my beardie (9 months) just pooped and I noticed the urate tip is yellow (I have attached picture).
I sprinkle calcium on his insects about 4-5 times a week but yesterday I decided to sprinkle bee pollen on his insects too.
Do you think there's too much calcium or was it the bee pollen...
My 3 year old dragon had a BM today and I noticed his urate looked different and has crystals in it. I have been syringe watering him as of late, because 1 week ago he had very very dry stools and urate. He does not eat alot of greens. He eat his feeder insects good. I have been trying to...