
  1. W

    Teeth Health - Discolored or Serious

    Hi all -- everyone has been helpful here before and I've been digging through the internet for a conclusive answer, but have just brought me even more questions than answers. tldr; I'm freaking myself out about my bearded dragon's teeth. His diet isn't perfect and I am aware of that, but...
  2. SarahNancy13

    Possible gum disease?

    Hello! I have already gotten some great input for taking care of little Ember here and am so grateful for it! I’m asking if you can help calm some worries once again. I was taking some pictures of little ember basking and noticed that he has what looks like hardened gums and dirt between his...
  3. motherofalittledragon

    Can I use a chlorhexidine 2% solution to clean my beardie's teeth?

    My beardie's teeth have a buildup of brown and I want to try what I can at home before taking him to the vet (if it was urgent I definitely would). I'd like to try out chlorhexidine because that sounds like a good potential solution, but I'm so confused on which one to use. I'd rather not get...
  4. dogndragonmom

    dirty teeth???

    Is there a way to clean their teeth, or is it necessary? I was taking some close up shots of Cheech and noticed how dark his teeth look, or is that normal?
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