stress marks

  1. E


    Hi, The bearded dragon i rescued a month and something ago is getting treated for an entamoeba. Hes on 0.25ML of Metronidazole and weighted at 244grams with his first dose but he has grown since then in width and length. We just sent in his poop in today for another test since hes done his six...
  2. E

    Stressed baby

    Hello everyone. I’m a new bearded dragon owner and I just got a new baby 3 days ago. I noticed that he seems to be stressed out and I’m not sure what to do. I didn’t know they weren’t supposed to be sold so small please forgive me for that. He eats but not as much as he should, maybe 10-20...
  3. kenobisaber

    ANY tips/tricks for stress? I NEED help!

    Tigger is my oldest beardie, he will be two years old on August 15th and Mando will be 1 year on May 18th. I am in a slight predicament. Their cages are across the room from each other. When Mando first arrived home (late January), Tigger went I never seen him act like it. Running...
  4. A

    Red in my beardie's stool

    Hey, I recently got my beardie, Sappho, from a local reptile shop. She's between 2-3 months old. When getting her, they recommended that I use crushed walnut substrate, so I went against my better judgement and used it, which is why it's in this photo, but trust, I'm getting tile in the next few...
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