sick beardie

  1. S

    bearded dragon eating very little and pooping only small amounts

    Mochi was abandoned at a pet store with a worm problem (or so we where told) which he was treated for, and put up for sale. We decided to give him a new home in Feb of this year. Always eating with ferocity as a baby/young adult, and until about 3 weeks ago he began slowing down his eating. Now...
  2. D


    Hi Im hoping to get some advice if you think this maybe stargazing? He is about 5 momths old and we have recently moved him into his forever home and he has started to hold his head bent back most of the time. He has still be eating and pooping daily. Im just worried about the way he holds his head.
  3. Z

    High Uric Acid

    Good evening everyone. Unfortunately, our Zero is sick again. Within the past three weeks he has been more lethargic hiding most of the day. In order to get him to bask, we have to physically take him out of his hide. Well he only pooped one a week for two weeks (which is not normal for him)...
  4. TheRedFox

    Metabolic bone disease

    My boy is only around a year and a half old, I got him from a neglectful previous owner, I have tried my best to help him so far but I was wondering if there's any ways at home that I can further nurse him back into proper health, everything going on fits the criteria of metabolic bone disease...
  5. melpdy

    Potential GNT?

    Hi, guys! I’m new here but this seemed like a good place to get a question answered. First, it’s nice to meet you all! Second, the point of this post, I went to the vet today with my little buddy Jo. I went in thinking maybe she just had parasites because she looks healthy and is acting really...
  6. M

    I cannot help my dying beardie

    Hello everyone, I have had my bearded dragon for only four years. She had always been in good health, with frequent check ups from the doctor saying everything was checked out. Recently I have hit a huge financial struggle. I could still afford her needs and things to ensure she has a more than...
  7. StanleysMyDragon

    Best place to buy toltrazuril.

    Hi guys I was looking to buy toltrazuril off bearded Is that a respectable company? My beardie Stanley is 1year old now. How much toltrazuril should I buy 2ml, 5ml, 10ml. I really don't want to take him back to the only reptile vet we have in town he's really not good. So thought I...
  8. T

    Possible cancer?

    Hi anyone able to help give any insight on what’s wrong with my beardie, she’s nearly 4 years old and she’s been being sick, not eating her live insects or salad, we have been to the vets but as of yet no answer.. I have her blood samples if anyone can take a look? Her cell counts are so low so...
  9. E

    Quick question about yeast infection | Also update

    Hi, i just got Puffs culture results back three days ago and it turns out she has a yeast infection inside her lungs along with the respiratory infection. The vet thinks the yeast infection couldve started from all the meds shes been taking. Shes on Ceftazidime (0.6 ML), Gentamicin & Saline mix...
  10. C

    Beardie anxiety, need advice

    I have a 3 year old beardie who in the last few months had developed a weird trait. Her tail and legs twitch involuntarily, touching or not touching her. Even now as I am typing this, her tail almost seems like it’s vibrating every couple of mins. When I touch her tail , it’s not like she is...
  11. J

    Juvenile with on going diarrhea

    Hello, I am new here. I am mildly educated in basics of reptile care, having them all my life and my parents having them as well. But I’m at a loss and exhausted. For some information: 75g tank, weighs 236g, basking ambient temp is 90.1, laser checked at 105, cool side 74. 100w deep dome...
  12. K

    Sold sick beardie

    Hey guys, as the title suggest I bought my first beardie a week ago, and it has now become apparent he is sick. I suspect RI or mouth rot, and it wouldn't suprise me if he had worms. I doubt his breeder ever took his animals in for vet appts. Anyways, his vet opens tomorrow morning and with...
  13. Dragondog45

    Help strange patch on Bearded dragon? Don’t know what it is

    Hello I have a young bearded dragon named Bowser. She is around 10 months old and has a diet of crickets, mealworms and veggies. I usually keep her humidity low but recently the weather has made her cage humid above 40%. I am getting a dehumidifier to fix the issue. I have noticed this weird...
  14. A

    Beardie not eating well

    Hey yall So i bought a bearded dragon in july. He was around 7 in and had a lot of health problems. Tail rot due to a nip and poor eating habits as well as a strange skin condition. I treated him with betadine and antifungals and the skin issues went away with shedding and have not returned...
  15. M

    Baby Beardie hasn’t eaten over a week; weird symptoms

    Hi everyone! I’m hoping someone out there can help me. I got my little guy Miko almost 2 weeks ago from PetSmart (yeah…I know not the best) and I started noticing some weird symptoms after a couple of days. Miko was estimated to be between 3-6 months old (baby) and he weights 8 grams. He hasn’t...
  16. O

    Beardie very cold when sleeping

    I got my beardie (Syd) over a year and a half ago and have had no major problems with any of his set up, he prefers the cool side of his tank but always goes to bask at least once during the day. The only health problems he’s had is an impaction a year ago and a current case of suspected...
  17. C

    Mature beardie - star gazing and black beard

    Help my rescued beardie who is 8 plus years old has suddenly started star gazing with a full black beard. Seems to be spasmed to the right. I managed to get him to poop and stomach feels empty his eyes still look fine and bright but if he tries to move he is close to rolling. The only recent...
  18. A

    New beardie, sick??

    Hello everyone! I just brought home this beardie a few days ago and am worried about the weird bumps and his discolored this normal? Any ideas?
  19. G

    5 month old Bearded dragon sick or dying??? Please help!!

    I have a 5 month old bearded dragon and something is very wrong. I have no idea what to do. 3 days ago I saw her bobbing her head up and down and knew she wasn’t okay. Her beard puffed up and became black and it looked like she was choking. She was still moving and after giving her drops of...
  20. Clause2021

    Think Babygirl has respiratory infection.

    My Aurorah (Ora for short), has been wheezing and now has a little cough as well. Sometimes it’s every 15 seconds for about 5 times. Then she won’t do it for an hour. Then it’ll be once a minute. She has been active, eating normally. Had crickets and went crazy for them-like usual. Then...
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