Hello, today I noticed that my bearded dragon was having these weird vibrations on his face, or more accurately his beard. It’s only happening at the very base of his beard (the soft “sack part?”) that connects his head to his neck/body and only noticeable if I lift him up. The vibrations are...
I recently rescued a bearded dragon a few months ago as my first reptile. I was told I was getting a healthy beardie with the entire setup for relatively cheap. When I picked him up he was motionless and they said he's just lazy but he moves around during the day. He was in a very loud and...
Hello!! This is my first post here, I apologize if I’ve done anything wrong.
My adult male bearded dragon, Link, has been acting a lil odd? I want to make sure he’s healthy. The femoral pores on the back of his legs are clogged, I'm aware of how to fix this and have been giving him extra soaks...
Left my beardie with my parents for a month. When I got back, she's personally looking pretty unhealthy and disheveled. It's hard for me to explain, but she has an anxious look in her eyes and she's lost weight. Her skin is wrinkly and saggy now. I have no idea what happened, they're still...
I was bathing our beardie Duncan who is around 15 months in our bathroom sink like I always do. I was cleaning the toilet, no longer than 3-5 minutes at most when I went back to check, Duncan was in a U shape and limp! His eyes were open and so was his mouth so I though he was too hot and then...