Today, I put my bearded dragon outside on my chest in direct sunlight so he can catch some UVB due to my UVB bulb being broken. After a few minutes or so, I formulated the brilliant idea of giving him a little walk. So, I decided to put him down on the dirt part of my backyard. Immediately after...
Hey! I’m totally new to having a beardie, not that I’m completely clueless about them or anything. I have owned reptiles on the past but I got a dragon for Christmas this year. I live in Idaho and it get super warm in the summer, and I know that I could take my dragon outside every once in a...
So I’ve had my new baby, Orion, for a month and two days now and I absolutely love her. She’s 12 inches as of last week and has just finished her first shed at home (I’m thinking 4-6 months old from her length). I thought she’s been slowly getting used to me and calming down around me but after...
I got Jake about 1 month ago he is about 4 months (I think) when I first brought him home he was friendly. Stepped up on my hand when I put my hand in the tank.
would sit on my chest while I was watching tv. But for the past week he is very skiddish when I put my hand in the tank or open the...