
  1. J

    Please help Jerald!

    What should i do? Hello, I have an adult bearded dragon, age unknown but estimated 9/10 years old. He is 22/23" (i dont have a current measurement of him) and 588 grams. I have had him in my care for 5-6 years now, and when I got him he was a bit underweight and now I do understand he is a bit...
  2. B

    my older beardeds color is fading away

    so i have a bearded dragon who is around 6 and i noticed his scales mostly around his beard were fading in color and seemed very dulled out with the tips of some of his scales turning white however it isn't shed it's his actual scale is this normal or is it a bad sign of something i'm worried
  3. M

    Old Beardie Needs Help

    Hello, This is my old beardie Zuko and we have no idea how old he is (was abandoned and lived at a rescue for a while). Recently he went to go live with my mom and he’s been fine until this week. Here’s some of the things listed that’s he’s suddenly doing: Eating less Wobbly movements Trouble...
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