new to this

  1. Y

    only calm at night??

    I got my beardie a little over a week ago. i’m not sure the gender or the age. i have two different lights i use the first one is a 150W basking light and the second one is some type of night basking light. i’m not sure the wattage but i think it’s 100W. i turn on the night one right before i...
  2. K

    Older New Beardie

    I just got my new beardie on Sunday. Hes a 4 year old male, his owner said he had been bred twice. He was perfectly fine during the expo, letting me hold him and he sat on my shoulder. But now he wont let me touch him and he hasnt eaten. I know they need an adjustment period but I worry. He...
  3. M

    new adult beardie owner: unusual poop/urate experiences seeking guidance!

    hi! i rehomed an adult beardie (thought to be ~7 yrs old) from a friend who loved her but couldn't take her in their move. i've named her clementine (aka clem aka cowboy clem). i'm seeking some advice for her waste/consumption behavior because it seems different than how she was with my friend...
  4. RuthlessPumpkin

    Axew is home

    Hello, I am a new baby beardie owner. We brought Axew home on Sept 15th and have spent the last few days adjusting to having a new beardie. Axew appears to be a citrus leatherback, but we chose this one because my daughter liked it. Axew came in a 10 gal tank and it maybe 6 or 7 inches. I know...
  5. A

    Did I Wait Too Long?

    Hi guys! I am 100% new to keeping bearded dragons. I did a lot of research and set up a bioactive enclosure, gave it a month to get going, and last week brought a baby dragon home from Petco (I know, bad place to do that >_<). Now in my research, I read to not touch them for a week. I leave my...
  6. R


    Hi guys! New beardie owner here. So I actually just got my beardie yesterday, he's 4 months old. He was chilling on my arm today when I noticed a red moving dot on his nose, just one tho. I blew the dot (which I think was a mite?) away and emptied his enclosure (bark substrate, a piece of wood...
  7. SilentArrow9

    New/First time Owner

    New beardie owner down here in Northern Arkansas. Got my dragon on January 23 from petco. I've always wanted one since I was a little kid but always got told no but I finally got around to getting one this year. I currently have her (I think) in a 20 gallon tank. I've got a friend working on...
  8. C

    Bearded dragon eggs Please HELP!

    Hey, my name is Cassie & I was wondering if somebody could possibly help me?? So My beardie has been with a male at the beginning of September & they did there thing, but I separated them because I know they can’t live in the same tank together. But then on October 12th she had her 1st clutch of...
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