metabolic bone disease

  1. BuddyBeardedDragon

    Help! VERY severe MBD !!!!

    I went on a holiday to see some of my family in another country. While I was there, I visited my aunts house and her son had a bearded dragon. I really wanted to see his beardie , but when I did... I literally cried. He was a German Giant bearded dragon, and he was housed in a tiny starters...
  2. My_Darling_Clementine

    I've rescued my first bearded dragon, and I need some advice.

    Hello, I am writing this post because of my beloved son. On March 3rd, I acquired Quasi the 5 year old bearded dragon for free off of Facebook. What his previous owners failed to mention in the post were his major spinal deformities, giving him an unnatural hunch in his spine. It's likely...
  3. TheRedFox

    Metabolic bone disease

    My boy is only around a year and a half old, I got him from a neglectful previous owner, I have tried my best to help him so far but I was wondering if there's any ways at home that I can further nurse him back into proper health, everything going on fits the criteria of metabolic bone disease...
  4. catwu20

    Runny/Mucosal Poop?

    Hi everyone, these are pictures of my beardie’s (6yrs, F) poop taken at 5 seperate days over the span of June-August). I’ve noticed that my beardie’s poop has been more watery than usual (there’s usually a bit of water surrounding the poop, but this is excessive). On a few days there has been a...
  5. C

    Can MBD cause early signs of aging?

    Hi all, thanks for reading. My boy is ~8 years old. He had no heat or UVB on him at purchase (~1 yr old) and was diagnosed with MBD by my vet. He had a crooked back and tail and couldn't walk at all. Overall in really poor shape :( I hand fed him for almost 8 months, he had finally started...
  6. catwu20

    Muscle twitching?

    Left my beardie with my parents for a month. When I got back, she's personally looking pretty unhealthy and disheveled. It's hard for me to explain, but she has an anxious look in her eyes and she's lost weight. Her skin is wrinkly and saggy now. I have no idea what happened, they're still...
  7. Pond

    So, I just got a rescue...

    I just got a rescue bearded dragon, I have an enclosure ready for them but I'm currently quarantining them. The guy who I bought them from wouldn't give me much information, not even its sex or age (I think it's a girl though). I'm mainly worried about three things, it's missing all its scales...
  8. M

    dragons mouth only slightly open ?

    i only very recently started caring for my dragon, so please bear with me if my question seems obvious: my dragon has only recently started basking, as she was left with no basking lamp or any adequate heat source for just about a year before i got her. i checked on her just a few minutes ago...
  9. X

    Beardie Impacted???? Cloaca vent open and looks swollen!! Hind legs paralyzed!!! Please help!

    Hi! My beardie is 2 years old. He lives in a 55 gallon tank without substrate. We use a liner. He has the ZooMed 10.O and the Exoterra solar glow 125watt lights. He gets fed dubia roaches and collard greens. We attempt to feed every other day usually but he eats kind of when he wants. We...
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