Hi, i just got Puffs culture results back three days ago and it turns out she has a yeast infection inside her lungs along with the respiratory infection. The vet thinks the yeast infection couldve started from all the meds shes been taking. Shes on Ceftazidime (0.6 ML), Gentamicin & Saline mix...
Hi, last post was about the inside color of Puffs throat. Turns out the black color is normal and we also ran a fungal culture on her skin because her head looked yellowish. We got results yesterday and shes fungal FREE! Were so happy. Were still trying to beat this respiratory infection though...
Hi, this is an update on the bearded dragon i rescued a month ago. We decided to name her jiggly puff because her beard is big lol. She now weighs 542-550 grams and were still doing critical care but every other day. I still have to kind of force the food carefully into her mouth but she takes...
I am new here. I am mildly educated in basics of reptile care, having them all my life and my parents having them as well. But I’m at a loss and exhausted.
For some information: 75g tank, weighs 236g, basking ambient temp is 90.1, laser checked at 105, cool side 74. 100w deep dome...
My bearded dragon, Franklin, was taken to the vet with concerns of mouth rot. She was cleared for mouth rot and instead suggested to have early signs metabolic bone disease from her previous owners which caused a slight underbite.
She has a lot of saliva buildup on the sides of her mouth. I...
I recently acquired a new baby beardie about 3 weeks ago. Took her to our exotic vet to get a fecal done and she tested positive for coccidia, flagellates, and spirochetes. The vet prescribed panacur, ponazuril, and metronidazole all at .02 dosages. She is 29 grams, about 11-12 weeks old.
Ive had my bearded dragon for about 6 years. A couple months ago i took him to the vet because he had been gasping or gaping for a few week and i was afraid he had a respiratory infection. The vet did tests and said he didnt have an infection but he did have arthritis and gave me pain...
My 2 year old has developed swollen limbs which have impaired mobility and he has reduced appetite and excretion. Following x-rays the Vet has said this is due to "efflusions" in the joints. It was expected that this would be caused by gout and possible kidney problems however the blood tests...