
  1. FalkorBeardie :3

    Say hello to Falkor!

    So, I’ve actually had Falkor for about a year now, and he’s the healthiest (and stinkiest) little guy. He’s about 2.5 years old, and he loves hornworms and mealworms. The endeavors to improve his tank have been long. I am aware his tank is too small, and we are working on this issue. His basking...
  2. S

    Concerning Bearded Dragon Behavior

    Hi everyone! For the last few months, my boy has been in brumation. He has recently woken up in the last week or so and has been displaying frantic and concerning behavior including the following: Black beard most of the day Glass surfing and scratching at the glass doors of the tank Lots...
  3. HandsomeHugosMa

    (Another) Male or Female Beardie?

    Hey everyone! Long story short, about a year ago we purchased a juvenile Bearded Dragon on a whim (I know, I know) and I found this site after digging a little deeper into proper Beardie Care. Thanks to everyone for the help! Our little Hugo is now very big and usually relaxed with some spicy...
  4. P

    Need to Rehome my boy

    I live in Denton, Tx. I need to rehome my adult male. His name is Dracarys and is around 8 years old. He is a rescue and lost a portion of his tail from his previous owner but it is healthy now. No signs of MBD and I have the powders for him. Unfortunately I am moving and cannot take him with...
  5. HandsomeHugosMa

    Beardie going pale

    *this post was pulled from daily updates and placed here for help* Hugo's been eating incredibly well and I've been droplet watering him on the nose as well as misting him in the mornings - which he genuinely seems to enjoy. I've also been gutloading his crickets, feeding him a variety of dubia...
  6. HandsomeHugosMa

    Hugo in the House

    A thread chronicling Hugo's journey (and mine) Because I take hundreds of pictures and need to put them somewhere! After TONS of help from other users, I got his new UV bulb set up this morning and he was in love with it. Had to shuffle a few things around in his starter tank so he could get...
  7. HandsomeHugosMa

    Say 'Hello' to Hugo!

    Hey there! Happy timezone wherever you are, First-time beardie owner here, meet Hugo! (I'll be as brief as possible while trying to be thorough as possible, for any missed information I've filled out my profile so refer there if needed.) After about six months of debating the right kind of...
  8. R

    Rankin sick

    We have two rankins both between 8-12 months I think. The girl we have had about 4 months and the boy a monthS the girl is great big appetite very active especially when given food. She is currently 54 g. The boy is the problem: when we got him the person said he may be entering into brumation...
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