
  1. R

    Bearded dragon keeps his nose downward, doesn't get head up.

    Hello. My bearded dragon, which is 5yo male recently (3-4days) has started showing some really weird and worrisome behavior. It started a week ago, he started walking kinda wobbly and became lethargic. I didn't pay it too much mind, because he usually does that or at least similar when he is...
  2. A

    Beardie 14 years old, always sleeping and not eating much

    My beardie has been a lovely little guy but over the past year he has really, really slowed down. A couple of months ago we upgraded his vivarium size, varied his enclosure, and tried giving him more variety of bugs as he was going off the ones we usually have him. He's always had fresh salad...
  3. M

    Baby Beardie hasn’t eaten over a week; weird symptoms

    Hi everyone! I’m hoping someone out there can help me. I got my little guy Miko almost 2 weeks ago from PetSmart (yeah…I know not the best) and I started noticing some weird symptoms after a couple of days. Miko was estimated to be between 3-6 months old (baby) and he weights 8 grams. He hasn’t...
  4. L

    I need help please!

    Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m...
  5. Z

    Behavior and Feeding issues

    I am having some issues with Summer and wanted to know if this is normal behavior. She is almost 2 years old female. I just got her recently 3 weeks ago. She is being lethargic, mostly stays in one spot and doesn't go to her basking spot. When she is cold to the touch I put her on her basking...
  6. S

    Not Eating after having no Heat

    I have an almost 5 year old male dragon, we had a big power outage a bit over a week ago, our house lost power for 7 nights. During that time, I had him out with me as much as I could, to use me for warmth and comfort, and I was refilling a hot water bottle ever few hours that I would place on...
  7. I

    Beardie staying in only one area of enclosure, seems depressed

    My almost 4 month old beardie Monkey has recently been acting strange for the last couple of days. I have a basking spot set up properly, but he seems to only stick to one corner that is on the warm wide of the tank, but only has a basking temp of around 95, and more critically, a UVI of around...
  8. L

    Lethargic beardie baby

    Hi guys- new beardie owner here, got my guy about 3 weeks ago. Getting straight to the point, my beardie baby is so lethargic and his legs are so weak and I’m freaking out. He seems to be able to move his legs still though, but he can’t hold onto / grab anything (like when I hold him he doesn’t...
  9. Carpenter Dad

    Juvenile seems Lethargic

    he is roughly 7-8 weeks old (petsmart purchase). very lethargic hopefully not sick. was very hyper and ate great for the first couple of weeks, but now in our third.. he isn’t eating, not walking around anymore and constantly keeps his eyes shut 80% of the time. eyes are nicely shaped when...
  10. D

    5 month beardie not eating for past two days and gulping?

    Hi there, I'm really worried about my 5 month female beardy Satsuma. For the past two days she has turned down food, even worms which are her favourite!! I noticed yesterday as well she was doing a sort of gulping motion, standing up straight on her front legs, head back and swallowing really...
  11. M

    Chronic Inflammation & possible liver disease

    Update for Delta — my 3 year old beardie who is currently not feeling well. Is suffering from yellow fungus, lethargy, and runny stools. Bloodwork came back, not good news. Her tests basically indicated chronic inflammation, possible liver disease which confirms her dehydration. They say the...
  12. M

    Bloody stool, Black Beard and Inactive

    Sorry for posting again. I’m not trying to substitute this forum for a veterinarian, but this is my only alternative right now as I am a minor and I’m unable to make an appointment right now. So if you’ve seen my other threads, my 3 year old female beardie named Delta has been having some...
  13. S

    Bearded dragon eats minimally, lethargic for over 7 months

    Hi, So I took in a bearded dragon about 2-3 months ago. Owner was my neighbor and could not longer care for him - she was telling me she couldn't find a home for him and was going to let him outside so I said absolutely not and took him in. Owner told me she did not know how old he was because...
  14. J

    baby Beardie barely eating, very tired

    I got a baby bearded dragon from PetCo of all places and when I first looked at him he looked tired but it was 8pm at the moment so I thought nothing of it, Initially he had gone without a UVB bulb for a day because i was waiting for it to arrive so he had his basking light. He had only ate 3...
  15. B

    HELP! Beardie doesn't poop, black beard, and spasming/twitching and bloated this morning but went to vet 3 days ago

    Tank Info: Zen Habitats 4'x2'x2' , 120 gal T8 UVB in tank about 7 in. from basking area Basking/heat lamp w/ UVA Thermometer w/ probe going to hot end of tank; 95-100 degrees or so Hi all, my beardie Sparkle is a little over a year old and has had health issues since I got him as a baby (last...
  16. FrogWorld

    Dragon not eating

    Hello! First post here :). I scheduled a vet visit in two days to get tested for parasites first and foremost but I still feel anxious having to wait while I don’t know what’s going on. I have a bearded dragon that’s approaching a year in age. I don’t know exactly when he was born, but he was a...
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