
  1. Pumpkinmaple


    I'm so happy he's here! he's so gorgeous. My phone camera does not pick up how bright or how beautiful he actually is at all but the pictures i got are still so cute. He ate a piece of his salad from my hand :>
  2. LarryTheLizard


    Hyellow! My name is Anna, and my non beardie lizard is Lawrence (female)! We’re new to this website, and already I love the community here and how helpful you guys are. My lizard, Larry, is quite a diva. If you don’t feed her at regular times each day, the wittle pwincess getsh fussy 🤭 out of...
  3. FalkorBeardie :3

    Say hello to Falkor!

    So, I’ve actually had Falkor for about a year now, and he’s the healthiest (and stinkiest) little guy. He’s about 2.5 years old, and he loves hornworms and mealworms. The endeavors to improve his tank have been long. I am aware his tank is too small, and we are working on this issue. His basking...
  4. Mr.Dragon

    My son

    Hello beardies! I'm a brand new mother, just got my son(?) a few weeks ago. His name is Mr. Dragon, and he's the sweetest baby ever! He's very easy going, loves to explore, and chismoso (he probably gets that from me!). He's on a routine of friuts/veggies before insects twice a day, in the...
  5. WaffleFalafel

    Hi everyone!!!

    I am a new beardie owner (I got my bearded dragon on December 13 2022). I named my bearded dragon, Waffle Falafel. He poses for pictures like a star 😂. Please tell me any recommendations of products or techniques or anything of that sort. Because I need the info, to make Waffle have the best...
  6. B

    Beardie Mum

    Greetings!!! I recently took over the care of my grandson's bearded dragon. For awhile, we thought she was a he, until she started digging and laying eggs when my son and grandson took her with them to their new home in the country. Due to some mishaps and negligence on my grandson's part...
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