
  1. 6

    Beardie had seizure

    Hi sorry to bother My partners beardie has not been his usual self last few days and when I attempt to feed him tonight he appeared to have what was a seizure His head when back, black bearded, mouth open and then flipped over onto his back. My partner picked him up and he calmed down around a...
  2. B

    Tail rot or just coloring?

    I'm not sure if he has tail rot or it's just how his tail is colored. Can someone help? I'm just paranoid about it :/
  3. goosegoose

    Should I be concerned about his tail?

    I got a new beardie about 5 days ago and I noticed a notch at the end of his tail. I looked at a picture of him before we bought him and it's definitely there too. I need help knowing if there's actually something wrong and if I should be concerned?
  4. C

    Collapsing eggs

    My beardie just laid eggs yesterday and we put them in perlite with water where it just clumps together and had a heat lamp but now they are starting to collapsing. The digital thermometer/hygrothrmo that read 83 for temp and 84 for humidity. That’s what I gathered off of reading the forums...
  5. K

    Possible Infection? Please help asap

    I got my baby beardie a few days ago, he’s been eating normally and been pretty active. when i took him out of his tank today he started opening his mouth for a few seconds, and when his mouth opened it would make a little clicking noise. There’s also some saliva in his mouth when it opens. I...
  6. Willowww

    Beardie getting full super quick

    I’m genuinely so confused because of this but since like late February maybe early March my bearded dragon has had a weird appetite. He would usually eat like 30 crickets and still want more but now he eats 5-15 and doesn’t want anymore? I’m not super sure how old he is but I’m estimating like...
  7. Aruna

    Peeled bearded dragons shed!!!

    I am a first time reptile / beardie owner. I feel terrible, I did so much research and yet did not know that you are not supposed to help peel your beardie’s shed. My beardie is a 1 year old female and this is her first shed with us, we got her a little over a month ago. It was flaking off her...
  8. _P5ych0_

    My beardie is opening his mouth a lot and swallowing a lot please help

    So my beardie has been swallowing and opening his mouth a lot for the past ten minutes and there’s no sound which makes me think he’s just gaping but it’s a lot and it’s worrying me he hasn’t had a bath recently so I don’t think it’s that
  9. N

    New/first beardie

    It’s been 2 days since I got him and he’s been glass surfing a lot especially today, can’t tel if he’s stressed he’s a baby right now maybe a month to 2 months maybe not an expert yet, I don’t know if it’s relocation stress or lighting I’m using a 100 watt ceramic heat emitter over his rock and...
  10. T

    Beardie won't poop?

    So my 1-year-old beardie hasn't pooped in a while. I'm concerned it's impaction but she's showing no symptoms and I'm not sure if she's pooping somewhere that I can't see in her enclosure (I have ripped the whole thing apart looking for a pile and it also doesn't smell like my others' do when...
  11. T

    Baby bearded dragon bloated, flipping onto back HELP ASAP

    Hi, My daughters bearded dragon had babies which hatched two weeks ago. She noticed today one dragon is bloated and keeps flipping onto its back. She has given it a warm bath and rubbed it tummy but it is not pooping yet. She is feeding the babies small sized crickets (1/2-3/4 size of eye...
  12. S

    Baytril antibiotic- need a second opinion

    My bearded dragon Pogi is 7 years old and lately he has been keeping one eye closed. We think he has an eye infection. We took him to the vet on 2/24, and they swabbed his eye to send a culture to the lab, but we have yet to hear back from them. The vet prescribed Baytril. We’re supposed to give...
  13. G


    PLEASE HELP My beardies femoral pores were SUPER clogged and naturally i researched and thought you were supposed to clean them after a few bathes with a brush and GENTLY with tweezers if needed. His pores are open/clean now but there are 2 that became slightly bloody and now im freaking out and...
  14. A

    Dark spots on my beardie

    I recently adopted my beardie but I noticed these dark spots showing up on him every once and awhile I’m afraid its scale rot but I can’t tell!
  15. Z


    I just adopted this little guy and he is so dehydrated and needs uv so bad. this is how I got him. im planning on getting the usb in a new thing with a reflector but also mount it inside his enclosure. Now I don't know if this thing was built for a beardie because there are no ramps to even...
  16. B

    UVB/basking help asap

    So, i’ve read lots of info on lights, but all the lengths/wattages/types are so confsuing, so I just need some direct answers if possible tank info- -currently has heat coil, uvb coil, and basking light -beleieve it is a 40 gallon, 36x18x18 -has a plastic splitter splitting the top metal mesh...
  17. S

    Rescue bearded dragon MBD? rehabilitation

    Hello, I recently received a bearded dragon (my guess is she’s 4-6 months old?) she is a rescue. My neighbors asked if we wanted her.. we said yes.. when we got her she was in a 10 gallon tank and UVB light was burned out. She was severely malnourished and dehydrated. She was flat and sunken in...
  18. T

    Safest ways to hang T5 hood?

    Hi everyone! I just got a new enclosure that is 4x2x2 ft. I want to make sure that I hang the T5 UVB the right way. I know to do it on the inside of the enclosure but I am petrified about it falling on him. With my old enclosure I just cut a hole in the screen, but that wont work with this one...
  19. B

    Bearded dragon breeding

    My beardeds finally had a successful mating and tail lock, however my female pooped right after he released. Does this make the insemination not viable?
  20. Y

    Serrapeptase UK

    Hi! I have owned a rehomed beardie for about 2-3 years now, he’s about 7/8 years old & and he’s never had any issues up until September last year. He was having issues using his arms and legs so he’s had an X-ray and the vet says he reckons its early arthritis and suffers with some spinal...
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