
  1. S

    Small but hard lump on my beardies back

    So the other day I was sitting down with my bearded dragon and I notice a small bump on his back/lower neck area and it freaks me out. Tried going to reddit but I have been in their mod queue for 2 days cause I don’t really use reddit LOL. WILL ATTACH PHOTOS TRUST. For info regarding his set...
  2. W

    Bearded Dragon Beard Vibrating

    Hello, today I noticed that my bearded dragon was having these weird vibrations on his face, or more accurately his beard. It’s only happening at the very base of his beard (the soft “sack part?”) that connects his head to his neck/body and only noticeable if I lift him up. The vibrations are...
  3. E

    Bearded dragons and Air fresheners.

    Hi, i left to go to the store and came back to an apple cinnamon air freshener plugged near my bearded dragons enclosure because my brother isnt so knowledgeable on reptiles. Buddy is a rescue dragon (7-8 month old) i recently rescued. Hes in a small 20 gal quarantine enclosure kind of near...
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