first time owner

  1. SherlockMommy

    Is he going into brumation? Am I doing this right?

    My bearded dragon is about 10 months old now, which I have done research and this is about the time when they could go into brumation. This is my first beardie/reptile and I need to know if what I have learned is correct and if I am doing everything right. First I will start with his behavior...
  2. HandsomeHugosMa

    Say 'Hello' to Hugo!

    Hey there! Happy timezone wherever you are, First-time beardie owner here, meet Hugo! (I'll be as brief as possible while trying to be thorough as possible, for any missed information I've filled out my profile so refer there if needed.) After about six months of debating the right kind of...
  3. P

    First ever Beardie

    Hey I’m new here just got my first beardie on the 8th of this month (august for later readers) I named him igneel right now he’s in a 20 gal I got him from petsmart based on size I assumed he’s about 2 1/5 months. Any tips for newbies?
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