So, I am now getting everything together for what will be my little fella's habitat. After I make sure that I have heating, light, and humidity set properly I will go and get the little guy.
I do have a question, though. After reading a couple of books and a lot of the threads here, I know the...
Hey all, I've got a beardie , he's about a year old, and he normally eats perfectly, acts happy and attentive, all his temperatures and such are correct and he's generally very content, but I recently went on a couple trips, one lasted 4 days, the other 7. The people I had watching him are...
I have a baby bearded dragon and we normally feed small Dubia roaches but the last time we went to the pet store they only had medium so we grabbed them. Many have became larger and some are smaller but hard to find under the larger ones. They are very slightly bigger than the space between his...
Hey everyone!! (Photos attached of his Xmas tank.)
*** Ragnar’s tank came as is. The light fixtures are glued where they are by the previous owners. He was posted “the prefect Christmas present on FB.” I currently have someone making me a 6X2X2 enclosure, what he is in now is what he has been...
Hello! I have a new bearded dragon male, 1 year old, called smaug and has 305 grams, and I can't get him to eat his greens. His basking spot has 33°C, humidity equal to 32 %, I feed him meal worms once every 4 days, and he eats plants from my garden when I get him outside. I tried his old diet...
Hi, I have a question so I have a bearded dragon that is about 8 months I feed him crickets, however I want to know if the quantity that I’m giving him is good or not. So I give him 30-35 crickets a day but I have read that you should let them eat whatever they can in 10-15 min however would...