
  1. J

    Unsure of eggs

    Hi I have a female bearded dragon that I bred with my male. She laid a clutch of eggs and I'm not certain they're fertile. I have quite a bit of experience breeding them but I've never been unsure of a clutch before. The eggs came out decent looking they were white and semi plump but no sign of...
  2. @

    Should I encourage my beardie to lay eggs?

    Should I give my bearded dragon space to lay her eggs? Like should I encourage her to lay her eggs? My plan is to give her a hide with some substrate for her to dig and bury her eggs but is that the route I should take?
  3. C

    Leopard gecko eggs

    My female leopard gecko had laid 2 fertilized eggs last month and it's been about 30-35 days into incubation, when I checked on the eggs. They turned dented, yellow-ish and transparent on some spots. Does that mean it's rotten? I'm worried. Qq
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