
  1. M

    URGENT: How to help beardie pass away?

    Clementine is 7-10 years old. She was a rescue and had a horrible past. Neglect, abuse, improper lighting, temps, enclosure, everything for the first half of of her life. I’ve had her for 6 years. Her health has been declining faster each year, but now she’s declining by the day. She’s been to...
  2. G

    Is my Beardie Dead

    Hello, I just joined this website to confirm whether this looks like a dead bearded dragon or not. He did a lot of strange things yesterday and we though we had confirmed it to be because of brumation. Now he looks dead and I’m pretty sure he did but just to be sure as a first time owner. He is...
  3. S

    Almost drowned :(

    I was bathing our beardie Duncan who is around 15 months in our bathroom sink like I always do. I was cleaning the toilet, no longer than 3-5 minutes at most when I went back to check, Duncan was in a U shape and limp! His eyes were open and so was his mouth so I though he was too hot and then...
  4. Radarsmama72

    Radar’s Remembrance

    Hi guys. This is going to be graphic but I want to understand what happened to Radar. 9yr old sunburst male, spunky and moody and huge. Yesterday was normal feeding, two Dubai roaches XL, and then scattered spinach. Roaches were dusted in calcium. This is what the vet recommended we feed...
  5. C

    My bearded dragon had to be euthanized yesterday:( Malpractice?

    About 2 weeks ago my bearded dragon stopped eating her greens, I assumed she was just being stubborn since she was still eating her bugs. A week later I realized some discoloration on her back near her tail. I scheduled a wellness check up and it was this Tuesday. As it got closer to the day of...
  6. T

    I think the end is near

    I have an 11? year-old dragon who has really slowed down over the past few months. His eyesight is terrible and he will not eat on his own. We have been syringe feeding him Beardie Buffet, Grub Pie, or Critical Care. He will usually lap it up pretty well for me, but not really for anyone...
  7. A


    We had a beardie and her name was Lagertha, from the vikings movie. On which sadly, she passed a few days now. We noticed that the first parts that contracted/hardened were her eyes, fingers/arms and her snout but the rest of the body remained soft. She's a special beardie to us and we're...
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