
  1. S

    Calcium Multivitamin Combo

    Hi there- is there a combo multivitamin calcium supplement that anyone would recommend? Thanks!
  2. F

    Kidney failure, pseudogout, help needed. Bloods & X-rays included

    Hi all, my partner and I are very stressed + worried about our boy Helio and would really appreciate any extra help or advice at this time. He is a 1 year and 5 months old, husbandry info in profile. Early morning August the 21st I happened to notice out of the corner of my eye Helio dragging...
  3. B

    Is this normal???

    Hi everyone it’s officially a week since i’ve owned a bearded dragon and i made a different thread but now i’m more worried my beardie has been doing strange behaviors he has been licking everywhere running around and he only eats at least 7 bsfl a day and now he has also been doing this with...
  4. B

    Beardie Hiding All Day! Vet Says Too Much Calcium? Please Help!

    Hello, I took my Beardie in for a visit to the vet, as she's been spending more and more time in her hide, eating less and pooping less often, and it's really worrying me. She looks normal otherwise and does have better days here and there. The vet told me as follows (please forgive me if this...
  5. R

    What more can I do for my beardie’s bones.?

    Unfortunately this year his bones started getting worse again right when he started brumation, so I haven’t been able to help him as well as I did when it was hotter. Before, I would give him more calcium powder more often in his foods, take him outside in the sun safely for hours, and not feed...
  6. catwu20

    Muscle twitching?

    Left my beardie with my parents for a month. When I got back, she's personally looking pretty unhealthy and disheveled. It's hard for me to explain, but she has an anxious look in her eyes and she's lost weight. Her skin is wrinkly and saggy now. I have no idea what happened, they're still...
  7. madilian9

    Too much or too little calcium?

    My bearded dragon (3 and a half ish years old, rescue) Cadmus is just waking up from brumation and I am not sure if this is related. I had him out today feeding him some dusted wax worms and meal worms (he’s a bit skinny, hence the regular waxworms) as well as dusted fresh kale and a beardie...
  8. Jupitertheking

    How much to dust and how to teach it to eat salad?

    Hi, I have a bearded dragon who is named Jupiter. Jupiter is about 4 month old and he is doing really well and he is extremely healthy but he has not been eating he is salads much and sometimes I feel like he is scared of the greens because when I try to hand feed him the greens he runs always...
  9. F

    Repashy Calcium Plus and Supplement Questions

    So we've had our baby beardie for about a month now. He is around 2-3 months old and we've been trying to figure out a good supplement schedule for him. We are currently using Repshay Calcium plus 3 times a week and Rep-cal Calcium without D3 the other remaining days of the week. I was under the...
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