
  1. Wintersedits

    Under weight beardie?

    I can't tell if Tex is underweight, but I'm concerned about between his hind legs where it seems some bones are protruding??? Idk ... He's also been sleeping more and pooping less, often hiding in his hides not often coming out
  2. F

    Should I bathe my beardie before/during brumation?

    Hi, I’m new here. My daughter is temporarily working in another state and left her 5 year old beardie, Irwin, with me. So far, so good, but I think he may be about to or going into brumation - stays in one place for days, just moved into his log hide yesterday - but he hasn’t had a bath in...
  3. B


    Hi! i’m back with a lil update on Spike, and i’m kinda worried :/ He was doing fine until about this past Tuesday. The weather has been a little cooler, cloudy and rainy, but i’ve noticed he is sleeping like A LOT and it’s been behind his log hide and once found his head inside the log. He’ll...
  4. Eddiebeardie


    Hi guys! I have had my little guy (Eddie) for about 10 months now, he is about 11 months old. I have been trying to get in contact with my original breeder but no response. As this is eddies first time brumating (I think) I am a little anxious. I have done a lot of research but has so specific...
  5. hakusmom


    Hi ya’ll. Little Haku is going on 11 months soon, and I’m starting to worry a bit. I have no idea if he’s going into brumation or not. He’s showing classic signs, as to not eating as much and staying in his hide a bit more than usual. But the other day, he was running all over the place in his...
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