so i have a bearded dragon who is around 6 and i noticed his scales mostly around his beard were fading in color and seemed very dulled out with the tips of some of his scales turning white however it isn't shed it's his actual scale is this normal or is it a bad sign of something i'm worried
Can anyone help me please? I’ve got this gorgeous beardie male as a rescue and I am curious to know what his colouring is. I understand lighting can make it tricky but these are the best pictures I can get. I also think he’s due to shed on his back soon, and has shed on his legs and parts of his...
Hi, this is savage. I have had him for almost a year now and these past two weeks, I notice this white stuff around his mouth. At first I thought it was him shedding but it’s not and He doesn’t have a vet appointment until two weeks from . I’m just trying to get some suggestions on what I should...
Tigger is my oldest beardie, he will be two years old on August 15th and Mando will be 1 year on May 18th.
I am in a slight predicament.
Their cages are across the room from each other. When Mando first arrived home (late January), Tigger went I never seen him act like it. Running...
Hello! I’m new here and this is my first bearded dragon! I have already been on the site and have done research for lights, temps everything! My question is what colour is my baby?? the store had them labeled as “fancy” bearded dragon so it doesn’t really tell me what colour they would be! Lol...
I am a first time bearded dragon owner and I have a question about my beardie! I'm pretty sure she's a girl as I used the flashlight method to try and determine if she was a boy or girl. Now my question is regarding her morph and colour and pattern. I got her from petsmart and the tag says...