
  1. M

    My baby beardie is acting off

    I got a baby bearded dragon for my oldest on the 30th of December. I've had them before as a teen. Mushu came from petsmart at 5 3/4". He's now 6". We got a 40 gal tank with kit, added a sterilized branch and leaves. I got crickets and small worms, calcium powder, and 2 in 1 food for the...
  2. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Porch Anole!

    Not beardie related but just too wholesome to not share! This is the porch anole! They have been chillin in the hanging plants on my porch for a little over 2 weeks now and refuse to leave! As you can tell by the picture, they are a lil baby, although they recently started to seemingly start...
  3. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    A lizard crawled on me!

    (Not a beardie story, hope this okay though since it is still lizard related) Backstory: So there is this lil baby lizard that hangs around my house pretty often and today they happened to be on the windowsill of the room I was in I went over to that window and put my hand in front of it to...
  4. K

    Egg broke

    So i have some eggs in the incubator. And one of the eggs broke and the baby is completely out of the egg. The yolk is still attached and the baby is fully formed. The baby is still moving so I put it in a sterile container on some damp paper and put it back in the incubator. What else can I...
  5. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Hes comfy <3

  6. T

    Me or her envlosure

    my newcome baby nearded dragin is doing great but ther's one thing that i am worried about. My baby beardie aleays scratches her enclosure glass and stay staring me, she is always with stress lines too. Then i usually pick her up and make a beardie burrito and put on my lap. Dje fall asleep and...
  7. lizardlauren

    baby bearded dragon appears to be dying

    hi everyone, im posting here because im very concerned about the health of my girlfriends baby bearded dragon, harold. we adopted harold together from a reputable reptile store. he was very little when we got him, probably 2 months max. she has had him for about a month, and the whole time it...
  8. B

    URI in baby beardie?

    Hello! Yesterday I got a beardie that I've estimated to be around 5 months old. Every once in awhile, she'll make these clicking noises, which I know are usually possible signs of an URI, though she's not showing any other symptoms and seems to be doing perfectly fine otherwise. No saliva, no...
  9. R

    New beardie feeding questions - 6weeks old!

    Hi all, new and excited to be here! I picked up a 4 week old beardie on October 1 at a reptile expo. Gandalf is a leatherback male and has gorgeous coloring. He’s also my first reptile. He’s the best office companion with his set up in my office on a spare desk. I already love the little guy and...
  10. SilentArrow9

    New/First time Owner

    New beardie owner down here in Northern Arkansas. Got my dragon on January 23 from petco. I've always wanted one since I was a little kid but always got told no but I finally got around to getting one this year. I currently have her (I think) in a 20 gallon tank. I've got a friend working on...
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