
  1. A

    Bearded dragon flipping over / Black beard

    Sorry for the long post! This poor lizard 🥺 💔 Waiting to hear back on his test results for ADV, but I’m pretty sure it will pop up positive due to these symptoms. Not sure what else he could have so suddenly. Background: I picked him up at an expo for $40 as he was in pretty rough shape & I...
  2. L

    Can I test for Atadenovirus at home or should I go to a vet?

    I took in a bearded dragon two months ago from a friend who couldn’t take care of her anymore. It was a last minute thing and I have reptile experience with snakes but not with bearded dragons although I am educating myself each and every day. My friend got her as a rescue as well so we both...
  3. Selkie1993

    An Adventure With Adenovirus- What Every Owner Needs To Read

    Hi everyone! Over the course of 3-4 months, I've been posting lots of questions about my dragon, Drogon. I wanted to share my experience with you, especially if you're new to the forum. Unfortunately, Drogon was diagnosed with adenovirus, a common virus among bearded dragons. What is...
  4. FrogWorld

    Critical Care Dosage

    My bearded dragon, Frog (2 M), tested positive for Atadenovirus. Vet sent me home with critical care herbivorous and insectivorous. Since feeding, he seems to be getting worse though? I'm worried that he's eating too much and it's putting more stress on his organs. Prior to the vet visit, he was...
  5. G

    Quality of Life

    Hi, I'm a first time poster. I have a bearded dragon named Thorne, female hypo leather-back, around 9 and half years old. She had been lethargic on and off through the last few years and had been going through a good streak but then she became more lethargic then usual, often reluctant to eat...
  6. tedbubz

    Vet asks to consider experimental drug. Hoping to find experiences or opinions.

    Hi all, My 1 year old beardie Ted has adenovirus. On the outside he is asymptomatic - he seems happy, alert, very active, eats daily, poops daily etc. His beard and belly is always white expect a few minutes a day he looks like this: That's the worst it's ever gotten in his enclosure and...
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