I have noticed Crowley being more aggressive lately. Anytime he moves from his net to his log he gets black beard and headbobs. He only seems to do this on those objects! Also, when i feed him worms i remove him from his tank letting him roam around my living room, recently he had been getting...
Hi all,
I have a 4 year old female dragon who recently laid eggs for the first time, this led us to finding out she is a girl. Eggs were removed after with no problem. She is healthy, good weight and has everything she needs and had handling almost everyday. Recently for the past few weeks she...
I just got my new beardie on Sunday. Hes a 4 year old male, his owner said he had been bred twice. He was perfectly fine during the expo, letting me hold him and he sat on my shoulder. But now he wont let me touch him and he hasnt eaten. I know they need an adjustment period but I worry. He...
In June I got a baby bearded dragon from Petsmart. I am feeding him between 10-15 dubia roaches 3 times a day. We have had him now over a month and he’s really nasty. We have never been able to handle him because he runs and glass surfs when we try to handle him. In the past few weeks, if we put...