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  1. rhiburrito's Legacy Uploads

    rhiburrito's Legacy Uploads

  2. R

    Is there something wrong with her tail?

    I'm sorry guys, I'm hoping it's nothing but I'm being a very worried mama. Dex was sitting on my So and I was running my fingers down her tail and it felt a little odd/not quite straight. I noticed that it does have a couple spots where you can see it's not "straight". She has in the past had...
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  5. R

    Problem with tail? Not sure what this spot is.

    Thanks Brandon! I doesn't look super bad but I'm definitely going to keep an eye on it! Thanks :)
  6. R

    Problem with tail? Not sure what this spot is.

    Hey guys! I recently got this new beardie and I just noticed that she has a spot on her tail. It's not dirt and it looks like it is tucked under her scales. Is this something I should be concerned about?
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  10. R

    Male or Female? Need a second opinion!

    Hey hey everyone, I recently adopted a new beardie from someone who couldn't care for them anymore. They said it was a male and I'm not too sure if that is true or not. If you need a better picture let me know!
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  13. R

    Help! Should I be concerned? Problem with scale on tail

    Hey Guys, My one beardie has just recently finished shedding and I had her out and was petting her and I felt a small nick on her tail. It looks like one of the scales is bent up? It doesn't seem to bother her but it true beardie mama fashion I'm a little worried! Everything else about her is...
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