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  1. Stanley2017's Legacy Uploads

    Stanley2017's Legacy Uploads

  2. S

    Behaviour changes after being with reptile centre

    oh my gosh! I've been experiencing the same thing with my beardie. We just came back from holiday and we left our beardie at a similar place to yours and when we bought him home, he was all over the place- more active than he's ever been before and his beard has been black the whole day and when...
  3. S

    Is mating/breeding detrimental or optional?

    I don’t know if my male beardie is required to breed or not is it an important step in their lifetime to mate? I don’t know but my beardie is about six months old and is identifiably a male, does that mean he has reached sexual maturity? If he HAS to mate what age and how should I go about doing...
  4. S

    Does my beardie have tail rot or is just shedding??

    Thank you so much for the reassurance Tracie! x I’m so relieved:D
  5. S

    Does my beardie have tail rot or is just shedding??

    He’s about 5 months old and is shedding like normal until this month he didn’t shed his tail and arm and the tail is black at the top and I’m scared if it’s tail rot but I don’t know if it is. Can someone please help?
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