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  1. ShinyKarissa

    Gravid Beardie?

    Hi! So the bearded dragon I have named Phil is a girl who is about 18 months old now, and for the past week or so she's been going crazy in her tank. She's been pacing and running around, pooping small poops almost every day (sometimes multiple a day), and her urates have a pink/red tinge to...
  2. ShinyKarissa

    Pre-shedding or something else?

    My second post asking about the health of my dragon in a few days. I'm a worry wart lol. I have a few more questions pertaining to my dragon, Phil. He's 15 months old and I just adopted him last month. 15 inches and 309 grams as of last Friday when we took him to the vet. He does have...
  3. ShinyKarissa

    Possible breathing issues?

    Hi, first time beardie owner here! I have a male bearded dragon that I adopted almost 1 month ago, he's around 15 months old now. He's currently being treated for Coccidia and worms using Albon (this is his second day of taking it) and I go pick up his de-worming medication tomorrow at the vet...
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